The speediest way to detox is to firstly accept that you wish for a total system cleanse – be it your body or your life, Aquarius. Take a moment today to evaluate all the ways in which you are overworked, burnt out or depleted and then ask yourself what does your best life feel like. Does it feel spacious, tempered and even beated? If yes, then what are you being called to do differently in your current life. And yes, when you come up with solutions, the auto-response from within may feel like – no, how is that possible! But remember to form any new habit it takes conscious effort and sticking to the plan. It’s the same with your life’s plan. And oh, your angels urge you to keep your diet light and clean for a bit so that you can hear the guidance flowing through easily.
Cosmic tip: To leave a stressful situation behind you must be willing to stand up and walk away.