Karen Klenke photo
Dr. Quincy Hilliard will be the guest conductor for 20th annual Menominee River Conference Honors Band. They will perform today at 11:30 a.m. at Niagara High School.
NIAGARA, Wis. — The 20th annual Menominee River Conference Honors Band concert, under the direction of guest conductor/composer Dr. Quincy Hillard, will be held at 11:30 a.m. today at Niagara High School.
An admission donation of $5 per person will be received at the door, and the public, as well as parents, family and friends, are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The all-conference-caliber band of about 90 musicians from Adams Township/Jeffers, Carney-Nadeau, Gwinn, Iron Mountain, Kingsford, Menominee, Niagara, North Dickinson County, Norway, Pembine, Phelps, Republic-Michigamme, West Iron County and Westwood will perform.
Underwriting support from Jim’s Music of Iron Mountain, Escanaba, Marquette and Green Bay plays a major role in bringing Hilliard to this event