Friday, March 14, 2025

ACT Invites Public Input on Molonglo Valley Infrastructure

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The ACT Government is inviting Canberrans to have their say on future community and recreational facilities to be delivered in the Molonglo Valley

“The Molonglo Valley is one of our city’s fastest growing regions and will be home to an estimated total population of around 70,000 people by 2050,” said Minister for Planning Chris Steel.

“That means we need to effectively plan for an additional 24,000 new homes and make sure that there’s facilities to support the diverse and vibrant community that’s going to continue to grow in the coming years.

“To support this changing population, we want to better understand infrastructure people would like to see in their community including in the design of future suburbs in Molonglo 3.”

The ACT Government has engaged Urbis to complete this assessment which is a key implementation action from the Molonglo Valley District Strategy.

It will build on the facilities already announced such as community centres, schools and a college, playing fields and a library.

“I have directed EPSDD to identify community facility sites for release, which will provide the opportunity for centres for community activity and religious worship. The community needs assessment will also explore the need for, and requirements of, further places of worship in the Molonglo district to cater for a range of faiths within the community,” said Minister Steel.

“It will also explore social services, facilities for children, youth and the elderly, sports and recreation facilities such as community gardens, netball, basketball, BMX and tennis. “I look forward to hearing from current and future Molonglo residents about how we can mould the Molonglo Valley to meet the vision and needs of the community.”

This is the latest in a series of infrastructure related initiatives to support one of Canberra’s fastest growing regions including:

  • Making Molonglo as a Town Centre
  • Molonglo River Bridge and John Gorton Drive extension
  • Planning and design for another road into Molonglo – the ‘east-west arterial’ road
  • Opening Evelyn Scott School
  • Ruth Park playground
  • Stromlo playing fields
  • Community recreation, community facilities sites approved at Denman Prospect

Pop-up information sessions for local residents to discuss their ideas with the project team will be held during June, please visit the YourSay project page to find out dates and locations.

Consultation will close on 8 July 2024.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.

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