Sunday, February 2, 2025

A Full Moon in Aquarius Is Coming—Here’s What It Means for You

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We’ve been waiting with bated breath for August 19 to finally arrive. For one, it’s the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and since July 21, the Democratic Party has delivered no end of breaking news updates. Secondly, August 19 marks the day of the year’s only full moon in Aquarius, the sign of unity, democracy, and progress. And it doesn’t stop there. The August 19 full moon happens to be a “seasonal blue moon,” the name given to the third full moon in an astronomical season that has a rare four full moons. It’s also the only full blue moon of 2024.

Getty + Design Leah Romero

If this date didn’t fall smack dab in the middle of the August Mercury retrograde, we’d swear the DNC planning committee consulted an astrologer when picking the date. Here’s hoping they bring a backup sound system and check the load on the Chicago energy grid.

Since Aquarius is the sign that rules technology, AI, and all things Internet-related, there’s an extra bit of nail-biting near this date. Delayed flights, leaked data, even a CrowdStrike outage part deux could threaten to derail things for society at large.

Astrologers are viewing this as a particularly fraught full moon because of the complex arrangement of other planets in the sky that day. Retrograde Mercury, now backing up through theatrical Leo, will sit exactly opposite this full moon, sending out a code-red blurt alert. Should you say the quiet part out loud? It will be tempting. Deliver dramatic monologues as your own peril near the 19th. Embellishing the truth, even in the smallest way, could seriously damage credibility.

Mercury retrograde’s position in passionate Leo also sends out a clarion call to exes, who might suddenly work up the nerve to send a “U there?” text under the devil-may-care energy of the Aquarius full moon. Check your own impulses to invite trouble back into your life. High-vibe Aquarius is an easy, breezy air sign that rules friendship. Turning the other cheek might seem like a fine idea under these moonbeams. Why can’t you just be friends, right? For one thing: Mercury. Good luck keeping your chill when you’re face to face with the person who ripped your heart out and ate it for breakfast. We don’t recommend tempting fate, no matter how “over it” you feel that Monday.

Another curveball hurled into the mix on August 19? There’s going to be a cosmic clash (a 90-degree square) between bloviating Jupiter and old-school Saturn—an event that only happens every nine to 10 years. These planets are basically opposites. Jupiter expands; Saturn contracts. Jupiter loves limitless horizons while Saturn wants to organize everything into a strategic master plan. Jupiter craves novelty. Saturn is an iron-clad traditionalist.

Whether you’re rallying the crowds at the convention or trying to convince your boss of the merits of allowing you to work remotely, plan on appealing to people’s right and left brains. Can you build enough promise and vision to get them excited while also delivering ample data to prove that your plan is beneficial for all? It’s a tall order to fill, but one that a full moon in Aquarius—a genius air sign that is also a steady fixed sign—can figure out how to tackle.

Normally, the Aquarius full moon brings lighthearted vibes, but with all the other energies swirling through the skies, it’s a much heavier mood. Nevertheless, there’s room for some truly groundbreaking developments to emerge. Broken communities might see a united path forward, or at least a glimmer of hope (Aquarius’ favorite word) in that direction. The ability to rise above petty conflicts will be strong on August 19, especially if we make room for creative and innovative solutions.

Each zodiac sign has a sweet spot under this full moon, so you might want to set some fresh intentions in this area of life:


Group endeavors and technology


Career advancements and long-term goals


Higher education and personal growth


Sex, investments, and shared resources


Personal and professional partnerships


Self-care routines and daily work habits


Creative and romantic endeavors


Home and family matters


Friendships, communication, and local connections


Financial stability and self-worth


Personal reinvention and self-improvement


Forgiveness and spiritual healing

Pre-order The AstroTwins’ new book, The Astrology Advantage: Use Your Horoscope for Personal and Professional Success (out August 27), and be entered to win a 90-minute chart reading.

The Astrology Advantage: Use Your Horoscope for Personal and Professional Success

The Astrology Advantage: Use Your Horoscope for Personal and Professional Success

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