Monday, October 7, 2024

Weekly horoscope from October 6 to October 12: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Be the bigger person. Take the high road. Be accountable for your mistakes and apologise and make amends if you need to. Your fiery impulsive nature may make you say things out which could hurt someone else’s feelings. A little cooperation at the workplace goes a long way. It’s not only about you looking good but making the rest of the team feel comfortable and worthy as well. In the home front, a parent may begin to resent your behaviour. Singles may seek out people from totally different backgrounds or ideologies to bring in some spice into their lives. Money matters show the possibility of an increase in earnings or a new project from an unlikely source.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Get in touch with your creative side. Think outside the box. Break the pattern and the routine you’ve built for yourself. There may be a lot of pent-up energy that needs an outlet. How about exercise or dance? At home you may start feeling suffocated in your space or start thinking of moving to a bigger home. Redecoration, redesigning may also be on your mind. A new friend could open your mind to some new experiences. And if you were wondering about marriage, the cards urge you to get out more and start meeting new people. Expenses may need to be brought under control, especially if you’ve been splurging a lot lately. Health matters look good as long as you stay mindful.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

There’s a part of you that just wants to be left alone in peace and quiet. Work and personal demands may have taken their toll on you and if you can, opt for a short break. A good period to rest, plan for the long term and let go of attitudes and habits that no longer help you. The team may sense your need for some silence and leave you to complete whatever pending tasks there are. And at home, a heart-to-heart conversation with a family member or dear friend is just the therapy you need. Alternative healing may start showing results. Or you may consider signing up for Yoga and Meditation just to bring yourself in balance. A good week to consolidate finances and plan for the years ahead.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Harvest the past. The good old days is about to play an important role in your life this week. It could be the return of someone or a situation from yesteryears. The cards spell renewal and learning from the past. Workwise, old contacts could help you, or your past skills and experience comes in handy once again. A harmonious week where interpersonal go, remember to get in touch with your inner child. Spend time with kids or do something which brings you joy as a child. You may even enjoy a reunion with old friends from a long time ago. Money matters show the payment of old dues and loans. And health matters look manageable.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

You’re fed up of the status quo. This week brings out the rebel in you. You could be challenging traditions, structure and the way things have been done. Don’t be surprised if you speak out against something you feel is outdated. There may be delays in the field of education or higher learning, but realise that this time may teach you patience and something about yourself. Watch your temper as you may find yourself saying things you’ll regret later. And be careful about ear, nose and throat conditions. Singles may find an opportunity for romance but may back off when you discover a hidden facet or something unpleasant about your love interest. Financial stability is assured in the cards however watch out for impulsive purchases.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

You slowly begin to reap the rewards of your labour from the past. Your hard work will not go unnoticed, and there is a chance of success in the months ahead through deliberate effort on your part and unexpected opportunities. An unpleasant work or personal situation will come to an end, and you may find yourself heaving a sigh of relief at the prospect of beginning afresh. Health wise make sure you go for regular checkups to the dentist and watch your knees. Singles may find the arrival of an old flame interested in rekindling a relationship, and you may just find things begin to get better again in personal matters. Financially, there is gain and you may seek the advice of a professional for a long-standing problem.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Certain life lessons are being placed in front of you, not as punishment but as an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and work towards being a better soul, with harmonious relationships. Inner work will be required of you if you want peace and harmony in your personal relationships. At the work place, the politics may begin to get really uncomfortable and annoying for some. Don’t listen too much to the gossip and just focus on doing what you do best. A parent may act a little too controlling for your liking, but when you realise and accept this is what it is, you let go of resistance. Health matters require a little caution. Money matters show some big expenses coming up.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Despite how tough it sounds, you may have to conform to certain rules or obey an authority figure if you want to move ahead with your plans. Remember, no matter how much you trust your own beliefs, others have their too. You may find yourself battling against restrictions imposed upon you, or find that tradition limits the free-spirited, independent side of you. A time to accept discipline and fit in with the status quo, even if it’s temporary, even if you don’t feel like it. Home life may feel stale or suffocating. You may yearn for a holiday or a total change to your routine. What holds you back from living your dream life? Health matters look good. Money requires a little more care.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

You may be required to defend yourself against some form of opposition or criticism and this is not a time to back down under any circumstances. Not the time to say “no” for the sake of peace and not the time to get aggressive. Instead, it is a time to resist our inner fears, be honest about what you truly want and take action accordingly. Strength is required in the face of adversity, and you have plenty of it. Just take time out before you stand up for what you believe in, clarify everything inside you and speak your mind. An annoying family member needs you to take a different approach while interacting with them. Health matters look good. Money that was owed to you may take little longer to come.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Your cards reveal a time for you to play it safe. No unnecessary risks or foolhardy decisions to be taken. Take the counsel of trusted elders and financial advisors and follow the tried and trusted path at this time. Your anxiety levels will only worsen the situation, so do make time to consciously distress. In personal relationships, you realise you are essentially free. Nothing and no one can stop you from exercising your free will. Nobody can control you. And your desire for freedom has to be balanced by respecting the other persons desire for freedom. When it comes to money, make sure all the facts and figures are correct before you make any decision. Health matters show a need to relax your mind, body and soul.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Though you remain focussed about achieving certain targets and meeting your goals, you may be beset by minor delays and tests. Control impatience as it could lead to a misunderstanding or miscommunication. Healthwise, you may need to pay extra attention to the signals your body is giving you and bring something back to balance. There may be imbalances in the body that erupt as sores or your blood pressure may rise. Someone may delay repaying a loan or act dishonestly, be careful who you trust and release expectations of them living up to a certain ethical standard. A mature, powerful man may give you some insights into your business. Singles may meet a soulmate through common friends or even online. A good period begins for upskilling and growth. The cards urge you to upgrade anyway you can.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Progress after a pause. You may interact with global names, senior leaders or even travel to a workshop/conference/expo. This phase favours communications and maintaining open lines of communication with employees, customers, partners and working on their feedback to improve a product or service. Modifications and refinement of a product or process may be put into place. Financially Financial gains are indicated but only after a bit of a wait or reminder. Reduce your expectations of an annoying person. If what you think or hear is negative, don’t believe it. Stay upbeat and optimistic and watch your health improve.

Published By:

Ayush Bisht

Published On:

Oct 6, 2024

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