Friday, October 4, 2024

Your horoscope for Oct 4-10

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Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post’s famously accurate fortune teller. Let’s see how you will fare this week and beyond.


  • (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
  • Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
  • You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Your hard work and dedication finally pay off. You see positive results and become more hopeful about your career prospects. An opportunity to work with people from different cultures is on the cards. It’ll lead to personal and professional growth. 

(₿) Unexpectedly high returns are on the cards for investors. If you’re waiting for a refund, reimbursement or overdue payment, it’ll arrive soon. You become more mindful of your finances and be a better planner.    

(♥) Couples treat each other the same way online, at home or in public. They continue to be one another’s sources of comfort and inspiration. You feel more confident and secure in your relationship.

(⚤) You meet a heartstopper who makes your heart skip a beat. You two hit it off due to similar interests, lifestyles and values. 

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) Be ready for a heavier workload and more responsibilities. Your supervisor or client may insist you take care of a particular task because they think only you can pull it off. You see every task as your opportunity to show off your skills. The unemployed may be offered a job in healthcare or education. 

(₿) A pay negotiation is likely to go your way. You may not get exactly what you want but you’ll be given a fair deal. You embrace conscious consumption and cut down on your wants. 

(♥) Spouses may have a heated argument over spending habits, house chores and different standards of personal hygiene. However, they’ll arrive at a happy medium. Unmarried couples may be nudged to tie the knot. 

(⚤) You feel overwhelmed by more responsibilities regarding your career, study or family that you don’t have time to think about finding love. You don’t even want to open your Tinder.

♊ Gemini

May 21 – June 20

(⏰) You should pay more attention to details regarding your assignments. You’ll be given more difficult tasks but they’re your opportunities to fine-tune your skills. Productive communication and collaboration with colleagues are on the cards. You may start a new job where you use your second language skills the most.

(₿) You manage your money better and be more mindful of your spending. You may buy something that’s on your wish list for a long time. If you have debts, you may pay off at least one. 

(♥) A difficult situation puts your relationship to the test. You two become a better team and brainstorm to find a solution together. What doesn’t kill your relationship makes it stronger. 

(⚤) If you’re competing for someone’s heart, you’re likely to win the love race. A situationship may grow into a relationship.  

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) An unexpected major technical issue sets back your progress. A colleague may try to hide their grave mistake. You may have to work longer hours. A project may get shelved indefinitely. An opportunity to show off your leadership skills and inspire others is on the cards. Don’t get cold feet.

(₿) A negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. A fundraising effort will be a success. You treat yourself or your loved ones with small luxuries. No scammers can fool you. If you have debts, you may secure more lenient repayment terms. 

(♥) Spouses may argue over house chores or daily responsibilities but they’ll eventually arrive at a happy medium. A low-key date night may turn out to be sweet and romantic. Cross-cultural couples discuss where they should settle.

(⚤) Dating app users may meet someone who seems eager to get to know them and meet them at their earliest convenience. Your ex tries hard to win you back but you know that they’re bad for you.  

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) Your supervisor may assign you challenging tasks but, due to their unclear direction or change of mind, it may take a few attempts to finish. Beware of an unexpected roadblock that may interrupt your progress. If you need help, you know which colleague to go to.

(₿) You enjoy shopping and dining with friends and family. You end up overspending on entertainment and pastimes. However, you may come into a fortune. Whether you’re trying to sell your assets or someone else’s, you’ll be able to close a deal soon. 

(♥) Couples may enjoy a day trip this weekend. Spouses may decide to give their firstborns a sibling. Unmarried couples may decide to move in together or get married. 

(⚤) Love at first swipe is on the cards for dating app users. When you meet them in person, it’ll be love at first sight, too as you two get on well due to similar lifestyles, interests and mindsets.    

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) If you’re stuck in a difficult situation, you may experience a eureka moment.  You decide to stay away from office drama and conflicts, even though you want to know the latest gossip. You can meet all deadlines whether they’re for solo or group tasks. You become more confident in yourself. 

(₿) Although your income may be on the rise, you should stay mindful of your spending. Always practice conscious consumption. If you have debts, look for a way to gain more lenient repayment terms and conditions.

(♥) A difficult situation makes you two appreciate each other more. You two become a better team as you are there for one another through thick and thin. Spouses may adopt a healthier diet and/or workout plan together. 

(⚤) Opportunities to get to know potential admirers IRL and online are on the cards. However, none is a heartstopper. One of them may be so needy, irritating you so much that you want to ghost them.

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle consume most of your energy and time. You take solace in knowing that you’re doing well for yourself. You experience no burnouts or creative blocks. You meet all deadlines and impress everyone at work. You gain more appreciation for your job after realising its contribution to society. Ha! 

(₿) You can easily pay your bills and afford to spend for fun. Buy experiences over stuff. You have a Midas touch with whatever you undertake. A financial negotiation is likely to go your way. 

(♥) A difficult situation makes you two understand and appreciate each other more. You two become better givers and takers. A lovely surprise from your partner is on the cards.

(⚤) You get to know potential admirers in person and online. Someone from your circle of friends may have a crush on you and is bad at hiding their feelings. You don’t know who your favourite is yet as they each have a different appeal.  

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) An opportunity to show off your skills and shine bright is on the cards. You’ll receive praise for it but don’t act high and mighty around your colleagues. You may finish several tasks before their deadlines. What seems bad may turn out to be beneficial to you. 

(₿) You may be offered a series of freelance jobs over the next few months from someone who once hired you. Whether you’re selling your assets or someone else’s, you should be able to close the deal soon. Your financial status is way above the average. 

(♥) Different opinions between you and your partner may unexpectedly lead to stimulating conversations. Couples come up with rules between them to help improve their relationship e.g. phone down during dinners and no dirty clothes on the floor. 

(⚤) Your career and self-improvement take precedence over other aspects of your life. Although you’re focused on yourself, you still unintentionally attract potential admirers.

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) You become more creative, intuitive and proactive next week. You can solve problems quickly and handle office drama and conflicts well. No one can accuse you of being a procrastinator. Your content or ad campaign may go viral for good reason. An opportunity to level up your career is on the cards. 

(₿) Your income is above the industry average. An older friend may bring you good financial news. You know where and when your money comes and goes. No scammers can fool you. 

(♥) Couples treat each other the same whether online, at home or in public. They don’t ham it up to impress people. They feel secure and stable in their relationship and that’s more than enough. 

(⚤) Whether you’re trying to turn your friend into a lover or rekindle an old flame, Cupid is on your side. If you’re not seeing anyone, you may experience love at first sight/swipe. 

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) Be ready for unexpected assignments and tight deadlines. You may have to work longer hours. However, you manage the higher pressure and priorities well. A satisfying reward awaits you at the finish line. Entrepreneurs, someone may try to steal your trade secrets. 

(₿) You manage your income and expenses well. Beware of get-rich-quick schemes. What sounds too good to be true are scams. If you have to travel by boat, keep your jewellery at home. 

(♥) Couples have to take on more responsibilities. They don’t get to spend quality time with each other much but they know how to make the most of every minute they have. Spouses decide to go on a healthier diet together.

(⚤) Ask your crush out on a date as s/he is likely to say yes. You may unexpectedly catch someone’s attention while attending a party.  

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) Brace yourself for unexpected challenges. A colleague may try to conceal crucial info or their mistake. You may have to work longer hours. Keep your good ideas to yourself, or else, someone may try to claim that they came up with them before you. 

(₿) If you’re a breadwinner, stay frugal as your dependent(s) may need more financial support than usual. Avoid high-risk investments or all types of gambling. If you lend someone money, you may end up losing the money and friendship.

(♥) Whatever your partner does, you can’t help but find flaws with it. You need to “jai yen yen”. Luckily, your partner doesn’t seem to mind and even tries harder to please you. Spouses may make a big financial decision together.

(⚤) You may meet someone younger at a house party. They seem to really like you. Someone who ghosted you a while ago may try to reconnect and act as if nothing happened.

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) You may be entrusted with an important project by your supervisor who insists that it must be you. A few colleagues may show their true colours. Let your outstanding performance speak for itself and silence the peanut gallery. The best revenge is to rise even higher.

(₿) You may receive valuable insider info or a gift that touches your heart from someone who knows you really well. The refund or overdue payment that you’re waiting for will finally arrive. 

(♥) Your partner’s dirty little secret may come to light, rattling your relationship. It will upset you but you’ll eventually come to terms with it. If you choose to forgive your partner, make sure you won’t hold it against them later.

(⚤) You focus on self-improvement and try to be a better version of yourself. You also become more appreciative of your family and spend more time with them.

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