Friday, October 18, 2024

Scorpio, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope

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For dynamic, mysterious, and intuitive Scorpio: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of October.

Two weeks-long alignments serve as positive and negative overarching themes in your monthly forecast. First, the good news: a harmonious trine between your ruling planet, Pluto, and Uranus retrograde persists throughout October. When retrograde, Uranus calls us to adopt new perspectives, reflect on life’s truths, and ponder what we need to feel independent and free. In the context of a trine with Pluto, this backward planet signals change for the better.

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Now, for the bad news: Pluto also forms a square with Hauma throughout the month. This alignment is less optimistic but not necessarily a sign of upcoming catastrophe. Haumea is a dwarf planet that governs our intuition and instinct. Its square with your ruling planet suggests you will struggle to listen to—or perhaps, more accurately, decipher—your gut feelings this month. Of course, this is to be expected! All that change brought up by the Pluto-Uranus trine is bound to leave you feeling a bit wobbly on your feet. Feeling butterflies in your stomach when exploring uncharted territory is normal. Be careful not to assume everything’s a bad sign.

October 2 promises to be a potent day in the cosmos as a solar eclipse occurs under Libra. The New Moon also flies under Libra at this time, which has all celestial signs pointing to making a fresh start. Romantic and platonic relationships, jobs, or interests might start to wane or dissolve altogether. Allow the trine between Pluto and Uranus to be your silver lining. As frightening as these transitions might feel, the stars seem to be lining in your favor early in the month.

Two days later on October 4, the waning crescent Moon enters your sign. This lunar phase is ideal for planning the next steps and prioritizing goals. Remember that these brainstorms can start small. Even outlining the next few days, let alone years, can be helpful. Take some time to gather your thoughts and focus your energy. As this waning crescent Moon conjoins with Haumea, your instincts will be at their strongest. Use this intuition to your advantage.

The second weekend of October brings about notable celestial shifts as your ruling planet returns direct. Congratulations! You’ve made it through this months-long call for transformation. Energy returns outward from here on out as the stars call you to apply the internal lessons you’ve gathered over the last few months to your outside world: relationships, career paths, etc. Just before this shift, Pluto conjoins with a first-quarter Moon. This is an active lunar phase, serving as a catalyst to coincide with your ruling planet’s directional change.

A square between Pluto and Mercury on October 13 suggests the revelations illuminated by the first-quarter Moon will be difficult or uncomfortable to comprehend initially. Don’t let these challenges deter you. Like anything else in life, these new changes require time for acclimation. Mercury might be forming a square with your ruling planet, but it’s flying through your sign, offering as much celestial assistance as hardship. Trust your ability to communicate your feelings and intentions and, in turn, your ability to understand others.

Mercury conjoins with Haumea by October 14, increasing mental and emotional acuity. You can capitalize on this boosted perception by tackling large projects, engaging in challenging conversations, or making strides toward your goals—even the lofty ones. With Mercury and Haumea sharpening the others’ intuition, the stars light a clear path forward for you. While this doesn’t mean you should forge the path completely blind, it does mean you can breathe a bit. Keep in mind that you aren’t as lost as it might seem.

Three days later, on October 17, your ruling planet conjoins with Pluto. Expect significant shifts in finances, love, or both. Conjunctions emphasize each celestial body’s quality, bringing about more tangible change while shifting our focus to matters of the heart and wallet. To help ensure these transformations are more positive than negative, tread lightly around this time. Keep your eyes open to potentially poor investments or avoidable conflict. You’d be surprised how much turmoil you can avoid with just an extra second or two of forethought.

By October 22, Pluto forms a square with the Sun. Your ruling planet continues its flight through Capricorn, while the Sun sits on the cusp of Libra and your sign. The Sun’s close connection to your celestial realm heightens its effects, bringing up more noticeable conflict as transformative Pluto and the ego-driven Sun butt heads. It might feel more tempting to brush off new ideas or paths that we didn’t conjure up ourselves. The stars urge you to be more open-minded. No one is immune to learning something from the universe. Focus on what you can take from the experiences at the end of the month as opposed to running away from them.

On October 30, Mercury directly opposes Uranus retrograde under your sign and Taurus. Scorpio and Taurus are both fixed signs but in opposing elements—fire and water—which can bring its own set of challenges. Stubborn streaks will be challenged, long-held beliefs will begin to crack. Your mind will be more susceptible to new information, which can be a good or bad thing. After all, there’s a significant difference between adaptability and manipulation. This tense alignment suggests unexpected switch-ups. Don’t get too comfortable with any one idea.

Finally, the month ends with a New Moon entering Scorpio on October 31. A cyclical end to October’s transformational journey, make time to reflect on the past month before sprinting into November. The cosmos offered you invaluable experiences over the past four weeks, but the only way you can reap their full benefits is if you take time to comprehend what you learned. Rather than waiting to scrounge up time at the end of the month, try scheduling a time to journal, reflect, meditate, or otherwise early in October. That way, you’re more motivated to follow through—and less likely to push this process off to another month.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Scorpio! See you next month.

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