Wednesday, September 25, 2024

WHAT THE TECH? Smartphone features to reduce stress

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Smartphones are an integral part of our lives, serving as our constant companions for communication, entertainment, and information. While most of us use our phones for basic tasks like texting, calls, and social media, there’s a treasure trove of hidden features waiting to be discovered. These features can significantly enhance our productivity, reduce stress, and improve our overall smartphone experience. Let’s delve into one such feature that often goes unnoticed but I think is one of the smartest tools for iPhones and Android devices: Focus Mode (or Do Not Disturb on Android).

iPhone’s Focus Mode: A Game-Changer

Apple’s Focus mode is a powerful tool that goes beyond simply silencing notifications. It allows you to create personalized modes for different situations, such as work, sleep, driving, or personal time. By customizing which apps and contacts can reach you during each mode, you can minimize distractions and stay focused on what matters.

To access Focus on your iPhone, swipe down to the Control Center and tap the Focus icon. You’ll find pre-set modes like Sleep, Do Not Disturb, Driving, and Personal, each with its own set of customizable settings. For instance, you can allow calls from specific contacts or only receive notifications from essential apps.

One of the most impressive aspects of Focus is its location-based automation. You can set a Focus mode to activate automatically when you arrive at a specific location, such as your workplace or the gym. It will automatically turn off when you leave that location. This ensures that you’re not bombarded with notifications when you need to concentrate or relax and prevents missing notifications and calls because you forgot to turn it back off once you finish.

Android’s Do Not Disturb: A Simpler Solution

While Android’s Do Not Disturb feature may not be as comprehensive as iPhone’s Focus mode, it still offers a valuable way to manage interruptions. You can schedule Do Not Disturb to activate automatically during specific hours or set it to turn on when you’re in a certain location by entering an address.

You can also customize Do Not Disturb to allow notifications from your choice of apps and phone calls from people you choose.

Make the Most of Focus and Do Not Disturb

Whether you’re an iPhone or Android user, take some time to explore the Focus or Do Not Disturb settings on your device. Experiment with different modes and customizations to find what works best for you.

Once you have the Focus or Do Not Disturb modes set to your preferences you can ask Siri or Google Assistant to turn them off and on for you.

And if you have an iPhone 15 or iPhone 16 you can set the new Action button just above the volume buttons to turn on and off the Focus Mode of your choice.

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