Monday, September 30, 2024

Protesting logging plan

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The Zoar Valley Coalition was joined Saturday by dozens of concerned citizens to demonstrate their opposition to the proposed logging in Zoar Valley by the state Department of Environmental Conservation and the Connecticut and New York Chapter of the National Audubon Society. The DEC has marked trees and scheduled timber sales of hundreds of acres of public land in Zoar Valley. In 2006, the DEC issued a preservation plan for Zoar Valley after overwhelming public support was expressed for Zoar Valley to be a protected wilderness. For the DEC to now reverse the plan for Zoar Valley to a logging plan is a grievous breach of the public trust. Audubon wants to cut down mature forests in Zoar Valley to make non-forested areas for birds. Audubon also wants to build a 10 feet high wall of dead tree material surrounding 92 deforested acres in order to keep deer out, but this experimental dead tree berm will create a fire hazard, an eyesore, and a barrier for all wildlife. A meeting to further discuss the issue will take place at Daemen College at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Schenck Hall.

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