Friday, September 20, 2024

Spotlight Interview: Milos Zikic, Co-Founder and CEO of LasoExperience |

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Milos Zikic, Co-Founder and CEO of LasoExperience, is a passionate advocate for leveraging technology to create personalized and engaging guest journeys that not only delight travelers but also unlock new revenue streams for hotels. “My journey as a tech entrepreneur has always been fueled by a passion for innovation and a relentless drive to push the boundaries of what technology can achieve,” says Zikic. “With LasoExperience, I’ve channeled my expertise into revolutionizing the guest experience in the hospitality industry. I believe that every interaction a guest has with a hotel should be meaningful, personalized, and seamlessly integrated into their journey.”

This belief has led to the creation of a platform that goes beyond traditional guest engagement tools. LasoExperience combines cutting-edge automation, data-driven insights, and a human-centered approach to empower hotels to exceed guest expectations while maximizing their revenue potential. In this Spotlight Interview, Zikic shares his insights on the power of hyper-personalization, the importance of mobile technology, and the future of guest experience in the age of AI and the metaverse.

What inspired you to create LasoExperience, and what specific gap in the hospitality technology market did you aim to fill?

My inspiration for LasoExperience came from the realization that many hotels struggle to truly engage with their guests in a meaningful, personalized way. While hotels have access to guest data, very few were leveraging it to create hyper-personalized experiences that delight guests and generate ancillary revenue. I saw a gap in the market where hotels could maximize both guest satisfaction and revenue by offering targeted upsells and recommendations at the right time. LasoExperience was designed to fill this void, providing a platform that automates personalization while helping hotels build deeper connections with their guests.

How does LasoExperience’s approach to guest experience differ from traditional hotel management systems or guest engagement platforms?

LasoExperience is not just a guest engagement platform; it’s an experience management system that anticipates the needs of both guests and hoteliers. Traditional systems tend to be reactive, focusing on operations or offering blanket promotions. LasoExperience, on the other hand, is proactive—by using AI and data analytics, it anticipates what guests need before they even ask. We offer hyper-personalized recommendations across multiple channels, from SMS and emails to in-app notifications, creating a seamless and engaging guest journey.

You emphasize “hyper-personalization” as a key differentiator. Can you elaborate on what this means in practice and how it translates into tangible benefits for both guests and hotels?

Hyper-personalization goes beyond segmenting guests based on demographics or past behaviors. With LasoExperience, we combine data points from various touchpoints in the guest journey to create tailored experiences for each individual. For guests, this means they receive highly relevant offers and services that feel bespoke, whether it’s a personalized dining recommendation or an upsell for an experience that aligns with their preferences. For hotels, this leads to greater guest satisfaction, increased ancillary revenue, and higher retention rates. Essentially, hyper-personalization turns each interaction into a revenue opportunity while enhancing the guest’s overall experience. 

LasoExperience offers a suite of tools, including a guest app, CRM, and marketing automation. How do these components work together to create a unified guest experience platform?

Each component of LasoExperience is designed to complement the others. Our guest app provides a direct line of communication with the guest, offering real-time recommendations and engagement opportunities. The CRM is the backbone that stores guest profiles, preferences, and behaviors, enabling the platform to tailor interactions based on the data. Marketing automation then ensures that these interactions happen at the most opportune times, across all channels, including email, SMS, and in-app notifications. This seamless integration ensures that no matter where the guest is in their journey, they are receiving timely and relevant information that enhances their stay.

Can you delve deeper into the AI and data analytics capabilities of LasoExperience? How does the platform gather and leverage guest data to personalize interactions and optimize revenue strategies?

Our platform collects data from multiple sources: pre-arrival communications, in-stay interactions, post-stay feedback, and third-party integrations like PMS, POS and CRM systems. Using AI and machine learning, we analyze this data to predict guest preferences and behaviors, allowing hotels to offer personalized recommendations in real-time. For instance, if a guest has booked a spa treatment on their last two stays, our system will offer a relevant package upon check-in, increasing the likelihood of conversion. This data-driven approach allows hotels to optimize their upselling strategies and maximize ancillary revenue.

LasoExperience highlights its ability to uncover “hidden revenue streams.” Can you provide specific examples of how the platform helps hotels identify and capitalize on these opportunities?

LasoExperience helps hotels tap into hidden revenue streams by leveraging guest data to identify upselling opportunities that may otherwise go unnoticed. For example, our platform might recognize that a guest consistently orders spa services, but during off-peak hours. We can then create targeted offers for similar guests or push notifications for upgrades at strategic times. Additionally, by analyzing guest behavior patterns, we help hotels optimize their pricing and promotions, such as bundling services like dining and spa packages, or offering late check-out options that align with guest preferences. These personalized offers not only enhance the guest experience but drive additional revenue that hotels may not have targeted before.

Walk us through a typical guest journey using LasoExperience, from pre-arrival to post-stay. How does the platform enhance engagement at each touchpoint?

The guest journey with LasoExperience begins before the guest even steps foot on the property. During the pre-arrival phase, the guest receives personalized emails or SMS messages with relevant offers, such as room upgrades or exclusive experiences based on their preferences. During their stay, the guest app becomes a hub for real-time communication, offering tailored recommendations for dining, activities, and services. Post-stay, LasoExperience continues to engage the guest with follow-up messages, surveys, and loyalty offers, encouraging repeat bookings. At every touchpoint, the platform delivers a seamless, personalized experience that enhances the overall guest journey.

How does LasoExperience address the challenge of information overload for guests? How do you ensure that personalized recommendations and offers are relevant and timely without being overwhelming?

Information overload is a common challenge, and our approach is to ensure that every interaction feels natural and timely. By analyzing guest data and behavior in real-time, we can serve personalized recommendations only when they are most relevant. For example, rather than sending multiple promotional emails or notifications, we focus on quality over quantity—delivering offers when the guest is most likely to engage with them, such as right after check-in or during a specific part of their stay. This minimizes the noise and ensures the guest feels valued rather than bombarded.

What role does mobile technology play in LasoExperience’s strategy, and how does the guest app enhance the overall guest experience?

Mobile technology is central to our strategy, as more and more guests expect to manage their entire travel experience through their phones. Our guest app serves as a personal concierge, allowing guests to access everything they need, from booking activities to ordering room service or getting recommendations. The app integrates with other hotel systems, making the experience as seamless as possible. Whether it’s using the app to unlock the room door or get notified of a special event happening on the property, the goal is to put convenience and personalization in the palm of the guest’s hand.

How does LasoExperience integrate with existing hotel systems, such as property management systems (PMS) and point-of-sale (POS) systems?

LasoExperience is designed with flexibility and integration in mind. We seamlessly integrate with existing PMS, POS, and CRM systems, such as Oracle Hospitality, Opera, Maestro, Book4Time, Seven Rooms, HotSOS, Alice  and others. This allows us to pull real-time guest data and transactional information from the hotel’s system, which we then use to create personalized recommendations and upsell offers. Our API-based integrations ensure that LasoExperience fits into a hotel’s existing technology ecosystem without causing disruptions, and this real-time data sync enables us to provide relevant and timely recommendations to guests.

What is the implementation process like for hotels partnering with LasoExperience, and what level of support do you provide during and after onboarding?

The implementation process is straightforward and designed to minimize disruption to the hotel’s operations. We start with an initial assessment to understand the hotel’s specific needs, followed by setting up integrations with existing systems. The platform can be up and running in a matter of days. During onboarding, we provide dedicated support, including training for staff on how to use the platform effectively. Post-launch, we offer ongoing support, including analytics reports to track performance and make necessary adjustments. Our team is always available to assist with updates, new feature rollouts, and optimizations as needed.

How adaptable is LasoExperience to different types of hotels, from boutique properties to large chains? Can you customize the platform to meet specific needs?

LasoExperience is highly adaptable and scalable. Whether it’s a boutique property or a large hotel chain, our platform can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each hotel. For boutique hotels, we focus on creating bespoke guest experiences that align with their unique brand and service offerings. For larger chains, we provide the scalability needed to manage guest engagement across multiple properties, while maintaining consistency in personalization. We work closely with each hotel to customize the platform’s features and ensure it integrates seamlessly with their operations and guest experience goals.

Can you share any case studies or success stories that demonstrate the tangible ROI hotels have achieved by implementing LasoExperience?

We’ve had the opportunity to work with several leading hotel brands that have seen significant ROI through the implementation of LasoExperience.

For example, with Viceroy, we focused on enhancing their check-in flow and providing real-time room upgrade offers. This streamlined experience not only improved guest satisfaction but also led to a substantial increase in room upgrade conversions.

With Benchmark Resorts, we implemented LasoExperience across multiple properties, resulting in an enhanced overall guest experience. We automated guest support, which reduced staff workload, and saw a direct increase in revenues from room upgrades, early and late checkouts, as well as bookings for spa services, dining, and tours and experiences.

At Sunseeker Resorts, we delivered a fully personalized guest experience, with tailored activations and calls-to-action (CTAs) that achieved a remarkable 50% conversion rate, leading to direct bookings. This personalized approach significantly increased their ancillary revenue and guest engagement.

These examples showcase how LasoExperience not only improves guest satisfaction but also drives meaningful revenue growth through personalized, data-driven recommendations and upselling opportunities.

How does LasoExperience address the challenge of attributing revenue growth directly to its platform and services?

We provide detailed analytics that track key performance metrics, such as conversion rates on upsells, guest satisfaction scores, and ancillary revenue growth. These insights allow hotels to see exactly how LasoExperience is impacting their bottom line. By tracking the specific actions guests take—whether it’s redeeming an offer sent via SMS or booking a service through the guest app—hotels can attribute revenue directly to our platform. This transparent reporting makes it easy to demonstrate the ROI of using LasoExperience.

What are the most significant trends you see shaping the future of guest experience in the hospitality industry?

The biggest trend I see is the growing demand for hyper-personalization. Guests today expect more than just a comfortable stay—they want experiences tailored to their preferences. Additionally, automation and AI are playing increasingly significant roles in how hotels manage guest engagement. There’s also a rise in demand for contactless services and seamless digital experiences, driven by the need for convenience and safety. Hotels that can offer a blend of personalized service with digital convenience will stand out in this evolving landscape.

How is LasoExperience evolving to stay ahead of these trends and continue to meet the changing needs of hotels and guests?

We are constantly innovating our platform by leveraging the latest advancements in AI and machine learning. We’re also focusing on enhancing our mobile app to provide even more seamless, contactless interactions between guests and hotels. As personalization becomes a more critical factor in guest satisfaction, we’re expanding our data analytics capabilities to make recommendations even more precise. Additionally, we’re exploring ways to integrate with emerging technologies,  e.g. IoT, to further improve the guest experience.

What role do you see emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse, playing in the future of guest experience?

AI is already a core part of how LasoExperience delivers hyper-personalization, and its role will only grow. AI can help hotels anticipate guest needs, automate repetitive tasks, and provide a level of service that feels personalized but is powered by data. As for the metaverse, I believe it will become a novel way for hotels to engage with guests even before they arrive. Virtual tours, interactive booking experiences, or even gamified loyalty programs within the metaverse could offer new ways to build relationships with guests. While still in its early stages, I see potential in these technologies for enhancing the guest experience.

You have a background as a tech entrepreneur. How has this experience shaped your approach to leading LasoExperience and addressing challenges in the hospitality industry?

As a tech entrepreneur, I’ve always focused on solving problems through innovation and user-centered design. This experience has shaped my approach to leading LasoExperience by making sure that everything we build is driven by the needs of both hotels and their guests. I understand that technology is only effective if it simplifies processes and delivers real value. My background has also taught me to stay agile, always iterating on our platform to stay ahead of industry challenges and evolving guest expectations.

“At Sunseeker Resorts, we delivered a fully personalized guest experience, with tailored activations and calls-to-action (CTAs) that achieved a remarkable 50% conversion rate, leading to direct bookings.”

LasoExperience recently partnered with Sunseeker Resort. What are the key goals of this partnership, and how does it exemplify your vision for the future of guest experience?

Our partnership with Sunseeker Resort is focused on creating a seamless, hyper-personalized guest journey that spans the entire guest lifecycle. The goal is to use LasoExperience to deliver real-time, personalized recommendations that enhance the guest experience while driving ancillary revenue for the resort. This partnership is a perfect example of how we see the future of hospitality: providing guests with tailored experiences that feel effortless and meaningful, all while helping hotels uncover new revenue opportunities.

What is your long-term vision for LasoExperience, and how do you see the company evolving in the next 5-10 years?

In the next 5-10 years, I see LasoExperience becoming the leading platform for guest engagement and personalization in the hospitality industry. We plan to expand our AI capabilities and explore more advanced integrations with emerging technologies like IoT and gamify the guest experience. Our vision is to create a platform that not only enhances guest engagement but also becomes a central hub for all guest interactions, offering hotels the tools they need to anticipate guest needs and maximize revenue opportunities.

What advice would you give to hoteliers who are looking to enhance their guest experience and drive revenue growth in today’s competitive market?

My advice is to focus on personalization. Guests today expect more than just a one-size-fits-all approach, and by leveraging data and technology, hotels can provide experiences that feel unique and tailored to each individual. Additionally, automation is key—streamlining processes and automating guest interactions allows your team to focus on delivering exceptional service while maximizing revenue opportunities. Finally, stay agile and open to adopting new technologies that can help you stay ahead of guest expectations and industry trends.

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