Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weekly Horoscope: Enjoy a Break From the Drama

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Let’s have a sigh of relief and joy! With this weekly horoscope, Mercury leaves its post-retroshade shadow on September 11, ending the miscommunications that began in July, when Mercury first entered its pre-retrograde zone. Now is the time to clear up the messiness we’ve been experiencing by understanding situations and relationships better. Use this time wisely because next week, the eclipses begin on September 17, bringing a whirlwind of drama our way.

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 – September 22

You know that you’re not the center of the universe, but somehow, you’ve found all your friends in orbit of you this week. When this happens, you can’t help yourself from smiling ear to ear. This week is your moment to be front and center, allowing you to sparkle, glimmer, and enjoy the limelight. Even though you might be uncomfortable at first, since you are more of a humble individual than a showy braggart, it’ll feel good knowing you’re being celebrated and admired. You’re being shown the appreciation and respect that you deserve. Soak it up and let yourself thrive in knowing how amazing you are.

Feminine person in a partial backbend with stars in their hands

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 – October 22

It may appear that you’re slacking, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. You take school seriously and apply yourself constantly. However, all the late nights playing “Minecraft” and plotting how you can score Sabrina Carpenter concert tickets with friends are beginning to have an effect on you. The answer is simple: make sure you’re getting enough rest and giving yourself TLC. You’re the one who is suffering, so create a schedule that works and you can stick with to ensure this isn’t a consistent issue. Remedy the situation before it becomes a problem for your GPA and teachers.

Person with a long braid looking intense.

Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 – November 21

You keep your cards close to your chest more often than not to safeguard your heart. The problem with being guarded 24/7 is that you don’t share secrets or problems with others because you’re suspicious of their intentions. Open yourself up to share your innermost sentiments with a select few that you trust. You might find it freeing to let your emotions out and be heard and seen. You can start by sharing tea about what is currently happening in your life. The odds are that they will just listen, which is what you desire and need.

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Feminine person holding a bow and arrow

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 – December 21

Conflict is arising with your besties. They’re not too fond of your new crush, causing tension in the friendships to come to a head. The main reason your pals are on the fence about your boo is that they feel you’re not being treated well and that your S.O. isn’t at your level. The protective vibe is sweet, but you might not see it that way. Allow your squad to explain how they feel before defending the ‘ship. What they say could be eye-opening since your head and heart are lost in the clouds, and you can’t see matters clearly.

Feminine person climbing determinedly up blocks

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 – January 19

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