Friday, October 18, 2024

5 Zodiac Signs With Beautiful Weekly Horoscopes From July 29 – August 4, 2024

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Who can stop you when you choose to shine? That’s the powerful message of the week for the collective between July 29 – August 4, 2024. And five zodiac signs — Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, and Leo — will experience the absolute best under this influence.

We are leaving July behind and entering August which brings a new energy. A few astrological changes are ahead, and many are positive.

The Moon is transiting from Taurus to Leo this week.

Our focus is definitely on the finer things in life and how they may bring us more prestige and power and add to our reputation. Underneath it all is the message that what’s believed to be fine and beautiful now may not remain so forever. Don’t build your life around the fickleness of the human spirit. Build it around what is most meaningful to you.

We also have important astrology transits to account for on August 4, the last day of this week.

Venus will enter Virgo on this day, and we will also have a New Moon in Leo here. So expect something major on this day, especially in matters of the heart or your relationships with loved ones.

And don’t forget to do a manifestation ritual on the New Moon day! The Virgo energy of this moon can help you bring to life wishes around your career, home, health, and more. 

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Let’s focus on the five zodiac signs with beautiful weekly horoscopes for July 29 – August 4.

1. Cancer

Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Cancers

Best area to focus on: Time management and making the most out of your daily schedule.

spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

Cancer, the first half of the week, urges you to leave your comfort zone. This is how you will find your blessings — in the most unexpected places. If you set your mind to something, nothing can block your trajectory.

In the second half of the week, you will build upon this mindset and earn yourself some great opportunities. You can establish yourself at work or wherever you focus your energy. Tap into your unique take on the world. Just remember: you don’t have to change yourself to fit in. You just need to be authentic to set the bar high for yourself. It inspires others.

RELATED: The Zodiac Sign That Will Become Unstoppable Despite Previous Hardships From Now Through September 4

2. Scorpio

Best zodiac sign to work with: Capricorn

Best area to focus on: Do one thing that improves your health and mental wellness.

Scorpio Zodiac Signs With Beautiful Weekly Horoscopes On July 29 - August 4, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

Scorpio, the time has come for you to write your own destiny. The first half of this week will be the perfect melting pot for the same, so don’t hold your creativity back or censor yourself. Something unique can only grow when you give yourself room to breathe.

The second half promises to be more dramatic, with karmic retribution on the wings for those who may have tried to stop your progress through nefarious means. You will see the evidence that you are indeed one of the cosmic favorite children at this time.

RELATED: 5 Subtle Clues The Universe Gives When It’s Time To Make A Big Change In Your Life

3. Pisces

Best zodiac sign to work with: Cancer

Best area to focus on: Trusting your psychic senses and strengthening them.

Pisces Zodiac Signs With Beautiful Weekly Horoscopes On July 29 - August 4, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

Pisces, go where you can grow. That’s your mantra for this week, especially in the first half. If you choose yourself, you will find your blessings. But you will only get to watch it sail past if you allow self-sabotage or doubts to proliferate (maybe because of toxic presences in your environment). So be extra mindful as you go about your day!

The second half of the week will bring you new adventures, especially with your loved ones and dear friends. Journal what you experience to keep the memories fresh and discover hidden nuggets of wisdom.

RELATED: The 6 Most Adventurous Zodiac Signs, According To Astrology

4. Aries

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo

Best area to focus on: Your ‘big why’ and refining the actions you take to express your life purpose.

Aries Zodiac Signs With Beautiful Weekly Horoscopes On July 29 - August 4, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

Aries, here’s the thing. What you choose to do with your blessings in the first half of this week will dramatically determine how things go in the future. So be mindful. Don’t let anyone steal what’s meant for you by convincing you they deserve it more. They don’t. You must be your own best friend through it all.

You are also encouraged to be more attentive to the people in your social circle, especially your inner circle. Ignoring red flags or excusing them will only lead to bigger problems in the future. Trust your gut and make the right moves.

RELATED: The Toxic Personality Trait You Subconsciously Fall For, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

5. Leo

leo beautiful weekly horoscope july 29 - august 4, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

Best zodiac sign to work with: Virgo

Best area to focus on: Acceptance and allowing things to happen organically.

Leo, this week’s energy is whimsical and playful. You are encouraged to find your tribe and not accept the word of naysayers willy-nilly. Subjective experiences, tastes, and hobbies are not facts. So choose your own adventure and let others choose theirs.

Some of you are about to make some new friends and/or connections who will open your eyes to the beauty and diversity of the world. Whether they do this through introducing you to new kinds of food, TV drama, cultural ways, or something else, the end result will only be joy and delight for you.

RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Argue Playfully In Their Relationships, According To Astrology

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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