Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: March 7, 2025

Must read

Olivia Wilde, a Pisces.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Getty Images

You might experience a bit of confusion, especially where your feelings are concerned, as the Gemini moon squares off with Neptune this morning, but don’t worry: You’ll get your bearings soon enough. Then, later tonight, the sun and Mars give you a valuable confidence boost. With these planets in gentle Pisces and thoughtful Cancer, respectively, you probably don’t need to worry about coming across as overbearing or reckless. It’s a perfect chance to thoughtfully, even quietly, harness your energy and get results.

You probably aren’t the sort of person who wastes time pining for what you can’t have. You know that there’s no point in wishing life had turned out differently; you’d rather make the best of the hand you’ve been dealt. There are those occasional dreams that you can’t help but wish for, no matter how hard you try to stop. Today is a good time to finally make a decision: Either find a way to let go and move on, or set aside pragmatism, at least for now, and go after what you really want.

You get frustrated when the people around you get caught up in wishful thinking, or when your friends try to reassure you that everything will “just work itself out.” It’s not that you’re cynical, only that you’d prefer to make plans based in reality. Every so often, though, a bit of reckless positivity can be helpful. Today, give yourself permission to believe that maybe things will work out, that something great could be right around the corner. This optimism won’t make you work less hard — if anything, it’ll motivate you to keep going.

Although you know that close relationships can’t be breezy and effortless all the time, there’s still a part of you that wishes they could be. You face enough challenges already; you want the other people in your life to be a source of unrelenting support, not more stress. But today, resist the temptation to run the moment that things get too real. You’re capable of navigating discomfort, and your relationships will be even stronger and more rewarding on the other side of it.

Lately you’ve felt frustrated and guilty about your tendency to procrastinate — you know, logically, that it does you no favors, but that doesn’t stop you from avoiding tedious tasks or intimidating projects. Today is a good day to take the bull by the horns and finally do whatever you’ve been putting off. The work won’t ever get easier, and nobody else is likely to swoop in to take charge; if you want to make wonderful things happen, it’s time to get out there and act like it.

You sometimes imagine that your emotions are the sole determining factor in how you behave — that in order to act decisively, you need to feel confident, and in order to act kindly toward someone, you need to genuinely feel affection for them. The trouble is that emotions are unruly; it’s practically impossible to force them into a particular shape. So today, resolve to act whether or not your feelings are “correct.” You can act boldly even when you’re scared, and you can do the right thing even if part of you is conflicted.

The less certain you are of your decisions, the quicker you are to get defensive when others question them; when your friends make different choices, you might see it as a rebuke of your own. Today, though, is your chance to put any feelings of doubt and inadequacy behind you. You don’t need to justify your decisions to everyone, and even in the privacy of your own thoughts, you don’t need to have total confidence in every step you take: Sometimes, you have to make life up as you go along and figure it out along the way.

When you look at your life from afar, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. With so much distance between you and your goals, you might start to doubt that you’ve got what it takes. Today, instead of fixating on your biggest and most complex problems, pay attention to the smaller problems — the minor nuisances that are within your power to fix. Giving yourself a small win right now can help you keep morale up for the longer journey ahead.

It sometimes feels as though nobody ever listens to you — and while this bothers you, it also gives you a kind of freedom. If no one is paying attention anyway, you’re free to say whatever you’d like; you can think out loud. But your friends take more notice than you realize. Both in general and today in particular, they value your ideas and are influenced by your opinions. Your words have more of an impact than you think, so choose them with care.

You’re probably not someone who likes to stir up unnecessary discord, but you’re also not the sort of person to back down from a confrontation. If someone is determined to cause trouble, you’ve learned that there’s no point in trying to appease them. But today, don’t be too quick to assume that the people you encounter are intentionally making your life harder. It’s just as likely to be cluelessness as it is ill will. Give good-faith communication a chance before you rush into conflict and you might get better results in the end.

Sometimes, it feels like the people around you would prefer to sweep conflict under the rug rather than actually deal with it. Maybe they just want to keep up appearances, but more likely, they’re scared of confrontation. Whatever the reason, it’s immensely frustrating to you. You want genuine harmony, not just a façade. So, today, if there are tough conversations you want to have or fences you’re ready to mend, don’t count on anyone else to take the lead: You’ll have to take the first step yourself.

Most of the time, you take comfort in the knowledge that your worries aren’t actually based in reality — they’re just a result of your imagination’s affinity for worst-case scenarios. But every so often, your fears are more legitimate and can’t be dismissed so easily. Today, the answer isn’t to persuade yourself that life is perfectly fine — it’s to remember that even if everything is as bad as it seems, you’ll still deal with whatever comes next with courage and integrity.

When you face difficulties, you sometimes imagine that your only option is to grin and bear it: Life’s hard for everyone, so why should it be any different for you? Instead of railing against the inevitable ups and downs, you try to face them with a level head. Today, though, remember that quiet acceptance isn’t your only option — you can also put your foot down and decide that you want more.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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