Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Starts 24 Hours After an Eclipse
Your horoscope for the week of March 9 to 15 says the next seven days could be the most important and significant of 2025. Venus—the relationship planet—is already retrograde, bringing attention to unresolved issues in love and money, but things are about to get much more complicated in a short window of time. Get ready for a marathon of change to begin unfolding.
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The week starts on a highly spiritual and forgiving note, as a Cancer moon will form a trine with dreamy Neptune and the North Node in Pisces on Sunday, March 9, guiding us to set aside our egos and begin surrendering to our destinies. However, that energy immediately switches up on us, because by Monday morning, a Leo moon will oppose dark and transformative Pluto, kicking up power struggles and prideful exchanges. Luckily, the moon will form a trine with Venus retrograde and Mercury in Aries by the afternoon, providing us with enough love, courage, and generosity to fearlessly express ourselves.
By March 11, however, that same Leo moon will connect with Chiron—the wounded healer—and square off with unpredictable Uranus, which could lead to unexpected shifts that leave you feeling vulnerable. Remember—you can’t control what other people do, say, or feel. All you can do is think carefully before responding and not take what’s outside of your control so personally. When Mercury in Aries joins forces with Venus retrograde later that same day, you may find that you can no longer avoid the elephant in the room. It’s time to get over yourself and have a tough conversation about what’s been bugging you.
By March 12, lines will not be drawn in the sand, but carved into stone. A Saturn cazimi arrives at 6:28 a.m. ET, sharpening our reality and showing us where we need to be more responsible, disciplined, and committed. “Cazimi” is an Arabic word that translates to “in the heart of the sun,” which is why this alignment can bring forth blindingly bright insight that crystallizes the truth. Because the Pisces sun is forming a conjunction with Saturn—planet of boundaries and delayed gratification—we’ll all be laying down the groundwork for our long-term goals and making sacrifices for the sake of that mission, especially if you’re a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) between the degrees of 17 and 27.
However, destiny takes over the wheel on March 14, when a blood moon and total lunar eclipse rises at 23 degrees of Virgo at 2:54 a.m. ET. During an eclipse, you have no control over the outcome whatsoever. All you can do is let the chips fall where they may. Because this eclipse is sitting next to the South Node and opposing harsh and unwavering Saturn by just one degree of separation, this eclipse may take something away from you—something that’s been standing in your way. There’s a reason astrologers say something—or someone—is being “eclipsed” out of your life, because no matter what you do, some things are simply not meant for you anymore. And eventually, you’ll realize that it was always a blessing in disguise, because it also set you free.
A total lunar eclipse arrives on March 14, and Mercury retrograde begins less than 24 hours later.
Although an eclipse tends to bring major and permanent changes, you may not understand what this change looks like immediately. In fact, you’ll still have plenty questions, confusions, and concerns, because Mercury retrograde begins less than 24 hours later. On March 15 at 2:46 a.m. ET, Mercury will station retrograde at 9 degrees of Aries, forcing us to return to unfinished conversations and connect the dots we weren’t previously seeing. If the truth appears blurry, that’s because you’re still twisting the lens, trying to focusing in on it.
At the same time, the moon will be in relationship-oriented Libra, ruled by Venus retrograde. This moon will form a helpful and forward-moving trine with Jupiter in Gemini, but it will also square off with Mars in Cancer, flaring up everyone’s defenses, emotions, and passive aggressive tendencies. If you’re feeling angry by the end of this week, don’t worry—this is just the beginning. Although we’re all being left with a nail-biting cliffhanger, you can rest assured that this is still a developing story.
How the planets will affect your zodiac sign this week
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your rising sign and/or your sun sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
You’re doing some serious soul-searching this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your 12th house of subconscious and unseen energies. You may enforce new rules for your own inner world, rethinking the way you process and release your innermost feelings. Sometimes, being on your own is the only way to rediscover the parts of yourself you’ve been missing.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your sixth house of health and productivity, revealing changes that affect your day-to-day life. You may be coming to terms with your own physical limits, redirecting a new work-life balance that eventually brings harmony between your internal self and your external self.
However, some big questions could arise by March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in Aries. You’re doing a lot of thinking about who you are, who you’ve been, and who you can become. It all probably feels incredibly confusing—and that’s OK. With Venus also retrograding through Aries, you’re re-learning how to love and honor the authentic person you already are—not the person you pretend to be. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You’re making a commitment to the world-at-large this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your 11th house of community and future visions. You have the power to be a revolutionary leader that makes the world a better place if you’re willing to step up to the plate this week. Divest from causes that are no longer in harmony with you and invest in the ones that align with your dream.
By March 14, a revelation about your love life may come into clarity. This is when a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your fifth house of pleasure and self-expression, revealing a possible change of heart. You may be questioning whether the spark can be re-lit, and if your attempts at reconnection are being dismissed, it may be time to release what no longer feels “alive.”
However, you may be having second thoughts by March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your 12th house of subconscious feelings. Your fears may flare up, exposing all the ways you may be sabotaging something that’s actually good for you. And with Venus—your ruling planet—also retrograding, facing these fears could mean the difference between your growth and your stagnation. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You’re making some major moves this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your 10th house of public image and career. You may be taking on a new responsibility at work, accepting a promotion, or even rethinking the direction you’re heading down professionally. Now’s the time to commit or go home—no more chasing pipe dreams.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your fourth house of home and family, revealing where your personal life currently stands. You may preparing for a big move—whether to a new dwelling, a new location, or to a new family dynamic. Whatever the change may be, it’s definitely pushing you out of your comfort zone.
However, you may begin reconnecting with people in your network around March 15, when Mercury—your ruling planet—stations retrograde in your 11th house of community. An old internet friend may resurface with some shocking news. And with Venus also retrograding through the same area of your chart, you’re in the process of rekindling certain connections and rethinking what makes you feel fulfilled in your social interactions. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You’re laying down the groundwork for meaningful long-term goals this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your ninth house of education, philosophy, and adventure. You’ll be committing to something that fulfills you on a spiritual and intellectual level, such as returning to school, writing a manifesto, or even a trip around the world. Whatever it is, make sure that it scares you just as much as it excites you.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your third house of communication, which may force you to have an uncomfortable and even challenging conversation. It’s time to finally face the facts, even if it conflicts with what you want to believe. You may also be receiving news about a friend, sibling, or cousin that changes your dynamic with them.
However, misunderstandings with bosses and leadership figures could begin to unfold on March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your career sector. You’re under the metaphorical microscope right now, and it may be time to set the record straight with the public and demand the respect you deserve. With Venus also retrograding here, you’re in the process of reclaiming your own personal authority. Who do you answer to? Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You’re reinvesting your energy more wisely this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your eighth house of intimacy, transactions, and transformations. You may be doing a hard-reset on something in your life, accepting that this chapter is truly over and allowing something to begin growing in its place. Whether you’re letting of a person, a pattern, or a profession, there’s no reason to doubt your decision.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your second house of money and self-esteem, which could mean a change in your financial status. While you may be dealing with a loss, it will always come with a gain (even if it isn’t apparent at first). You may also be learning where—and how—to let down your guard and take a risk on something that challenges your comfort levels.
However, all the flaws in your vision and the blind spots in your perspective could be revealed after March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your ninth house of “big picture” thinking. You may feel a bit lost, forcing you to find your way back to the answers you thought you had. With Venus also retrograding in this area of your chart, you’re in the process of rediscovering your passion for seeking a deeper truth. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You may be making a serious relationship decision this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your seventh house of partnerships and contracts. Whether in terms of love, family, or business, you may be in the process of taking things to the level level with someone. However, you could also be coming to terms with what must be repaired in your relationships, as well as connections that have ran their course.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse in Virgo could emphasize these big relationship changes, shining a light on all the ways you’ve changed and whether your needs are being met. You may be approaching a relationship pattern or shared dynamic differently than you have in the past, showing signs of growth. More often than not, the hardest decision is also the best decision.
However, unresolved grievances could begin to reveal themselves as of March 15, when Mercury—your ruling planet—stations retrograde in your eighth house of intimate and financial exchanges. You may be forced to settle a lingering debt or find a way to close the book on a recurring issue. With Venus also retrograding here, grudges, jealousies, and resentments could be reactivated and readdressed. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You may be coming to terms with what your body needs this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your sixth house of work and health. You may be taking on a new day job, committing to a new fitness routine, or even forming a plan to tackle a medical issue. Know your limits, because Saturn is all about discipline, but also moderation.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your 12th house of subconscious truths, bringing forth game-changing revelations that you probably already know, but have simply forgotten. Give yourself a moment to “remember” everything you need to know, by reconnecting with your spiritual practice, analyzing your dreams, or embracing introspection.
However, people from your past—namely ex lovers, associates, and friends—could pop up out of the woodwork after March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your seventh house of allies and enemies. Avoid to urge to get tangled up in a pattern you’ve already outgrown. With Venus—your ruling planet—also retrograding here, it’s all the more important that you don’t settle for less. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You may be making a deeper commitment to your creativity this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your fifth house of pleasure, self-expression, and fertility. You may need to sacrifice something for the sake of your creation, but if you can delay gratification, you’ll eventually be met with a love and satisfaction that’s deeper than anything you’ve ever experienced.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your eleventh house of community affairs and future visions, showing you how your commitment to yourself may come at the cost of your connection to the outer world. This sacrifice may unfold in your love life or in a relationship, asking you to find balance between your lifelong dreams and your short-term desires.
However, a barrage of forgotten work that you’ve been procrastinating on may resurface as of March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your sixth house of work and health. With Venus also retrograding here, you’re being guided to rediscover the pleasure of your daily rituals and day-to-day commitments—even the boring and mundane ones. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You’re making some big commitments in your personal life this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your fourth house of home and family. These decisions have the power to impact your life for the long haul, such as moving to a new location, embracing a new family dynamic, or simply cleaning and organizing your garage.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your 10th house of career and public image, which could reveal where your ambitions are clashing with your responsibilities at home. You could experience a change of status at work, such as a promotion or even a demotion. No matter what happens, trust that it’s all meant to put you on the right path—the one you’re destined to take.
Old flames and crushes could resurface as of March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your fifth house of passions and flings. This could be when someone you share lingering feelings with finally makes contact. However, with Venus also retrograding here, this could be a true test. Have you truly grown as a person and learned from your missteps? Or are you once again going to ignore the same red flags? Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You may be making a major statement this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your third house of communication, encouraging you to say what you mean and mean what you say. Permanent changes could also unfold in your day-to-day life, such as the places you visit, the people you see, and the way you process information.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your ninth house of expansion and adventure, forcing you to take a step back from the nitty gritty and see the full picture come together. What are you trying to do? Why is what you’re doing meaningful to you? What’s the end goal here? You may be having an intellectual breakthrough—or a philosophical crisis.
However, you may forced to begin addressing important issues at home as of March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your fourth house of domestic matters and private endeavors. You may be returning to your roots and rebuilding from the rubble. With Venus also retrograding here, you’re in the process of reconnecting with what “home” and “family” really mean to you. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You may be setting serious financial goals this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction will land in your second house of money, possessions, and self-esteem. You may be laying down the groundwork to increase your income over time. You may also be selling old items, clearing away space, and committing to what truly means the most to you.
However, on March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your eighth house of emotional and financial investments, forcing you to settle debts that may be weighing on you. You may even be letting go of emotional attachments that no longer align with your newfound self-esteem. Don’t let the toxic, but alluring energy pull you back into an unhealthy pattern pattern.
However, miscommunications could run rampant as of March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your third house of messages and informational exchanges. Write things down, double-check everything, over-explain—do whatever you have to do to minimize misunderstandings. With Venus also retrograding here, you’re learning how to connect and communicate more thoughtfully. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
You’re making a serious commitment to yourself this week, because on March 12, a sun-Saturn conjunction in Pisces will lay down the law in your first house of the self. You’re setting higher standards for yourself, and a deeper discipline and dedication must be embraced in order for you to become the person you want to be. Embrace delayed gratification for the sake of your growth. No more excuses.
By March 14, a full moon and total lunar eclipse will rise in your seventh house of partnerships, showing you where you stand in your one-on-one relationships. There’s a good chance a relationship that has ran its course may be in the process of ending, forcing you to part ways for good. However, you may also be closing the chapter on a rough time in your relationship and gearing up for a new beginning.
However, issues surrounding your finances and your pride could become even more challenging after March 15, when Mercury stations retrograde in your second house of money and value systems. Avoid impulse shopping and stop chasing things you know won’t fulfill you. With Venus also retrograding through this area of your chart, you’re learning the difference between what you want and what you need (and whether these things may be in direct conflict with each other). Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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