For creative, eccentric, and bold Aquarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
Of all the members of the Zodiac, you are arguably one of the best equipped to navigate significant change. And this month, the cosmos has plenty in store. The celestial transitions begin with Venus’ shift into retrograde in Aries. When direct, Venus’ Aries placement lent an assertive, passionate energy to our romantic and financial affairs. But in retrograde, the opposite is more likely to be true. Venus retrograde affects self-image, which, in turn, can jeopardize connections with others. Consequently or otherwise, this planetary period can also increase the chances of reckless behavior with money or emotions (yours or theirs, Aquarius).
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Venus retrograde is a time when guarding your heart becomes more crucial than ever. However, the stars pose a caveat for someone as prone to aloofness as you, stargazer. There is a way to balance between divulging too much of yourself to others and closing yourself off from meaningful relationships altogether. This is a precarious line to walk. But the wisdom and deeper bonds from dedication to this exercise are almost always worth the temporary discomfort. Keep your cards close to the chest without walking away from the game entirely.
Between March 5 and 9, the waxing Moon flies through a series of aspects with your ruling planet, Uranus, that grow increasingly more challenging as the week progresses. By March 11, the waxing gibbous Moon locks into a tense square with Uranus, suggesting unimaginative ways of thinking and a propensity to follow the rules to a fault. It might be more tempting to rely on the opinions of others during this time. Resist the urge, Aquarius. The answers you seek are within you. But you have to be willing to bust out of the mold a little bit to get the results you’re after. Be brave, stargazer.
On March 14, the full Moon reaches its peak strength in Virgo. The first of two lunar eclipses we’ll experience this year makes the already potent celestial occurrence even stronger, signaling toward endings and conclusions. There is greater change still waiting for us further into the month. If there were ever a time to rid yourself of unnecessary fears, behaviors, goals, or even relationships, now would be the time to do it. Aspirations can change before we ever attain them. It’s a natural part of life. The stars urge you to give this transition the respect it deserves.
The eclipse of the full Moon also forms a harmonious trine with your ruling planet, offering a much-needed boost of motivation and positive energy. As the Moon pulls us further away from all that’s familiar to us, Uranus provides the courage it takes to proceed into uncharted territory. Some butterflies in your stomach during a significant life change can be a good thing, Aquarius. It means you care. If you floated through these transitions with no emotional reaction, that might indicate a greater issue. Lean into the chaos. If anyone can make sense of it, it would be you.
And indeed, you have plenty of chances to prove how well you can navigate mishaps and change-ups as Mercury turns retrograde the following day on March 15. This planetary retrograde is arguably the most infamous of the astrological calendar, and with good reason. Mercury retrograde increases the likelihood of communication errors, tech malfunctions, and travel delays. Think: unexpected expenses, plan-altering traffic, and misunderstandings that probably could have been cleared up if either party was willing to be vulnerable enough to admit to being wrong. To put it plainly, things might feel a bit off during the first week or two of this celestial period. Roll with the punches as best you can. It’s temporary.
The waxing gibbous Moon directly opposes your ruling planet on March 19, one day before the Sun’s transition into Aries. A celestial standoff with Uranus is a perfect fit for this Zodiac transition. The beginning of Aries season means the start of an entirely new Zodiac cycle. Capitalize on this refreshing energy by reaffirming your goals and aspirations. The Sun’s placement in Aries helps boost confidence and motivation, helping turn these dreams into reality. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want.
Sometimes, in order to pursue what we want, we have to let go of what we don’t. This seems especially true for you on March 24, when the waning crescent Moon enters your celestial domain and forms a harmonious trine with Uranus. The positive alignment between the restorative waning crescent Moon and innovative Uranus suggests a greater ability to differentiate between what (and who) is and isn’t worth keeping around. Following through with these revelations won’t always be easy. In fact, a square between Uranus and the Moon promises the effects will be swift. But fortunately, that means the benefits will be, too.
We end the month under the restorative shadow of a new Moon in Aries on March 29. However, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill celestial event, stargazer. The cosmos has one more trick up its sleeve with a partial solar eclipse locking into place that same day. If March’s previous lunar eclipse signaled the ending of a chapter, this solar eclipse marks the start of a new one. After all, you didn’t do all of that mental and emotional decluttering for nothing. Now, it’s time to reap the rewards of all your hard work.
Indeed, the stars indicate significant transformations ahead. Keep an open heart and mind as you proceed into the next month, Aquarius. There is a way to evolve into a better version of yourself without discrediting the work of your past incarnations. Each and every version of you got you to where you are today. They deserve all the same love, grace, and respect this version of you does. Before you realize it, this present version of yourself will be in the past, too. One of the easiest ways to destabilize yourself is by forgetting where you came from. Stay grounded and humble. But, of course, take time to enjoy the process.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Aquarius! See you next month.