For sentimental, reliable, and creative Cancer: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
The waxing crescent Moon begins the month in conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, increasing feelings of imagination and motivation. If wielded wisely, these two planetary energies can be a potent combination, Cancer. As your ruling celestial body encourages you to plan and prepare for the rest of the month, Mercury and Neptune help expand your mind and reveal ways to get from point A to point B. With two upcoming planetary retrogrades, having a deep understanding of what you want to get out of this month can help bolster you during times of instability and uncertainty. Sure, you could wing it. But the stars urge you to lay a little groundwork first.
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These shifts begin early in the month with Venus turning retrograde on March 2. When direct, our cosmic neighbor influences love, financial well-being, and self-esteem. When retrograde, these facets of life tend to stall, tense up, or turn inward. Misunderstanding a partner or a close loved one will become easier during this time. Keep in mind: this affects how you receive others’ attitudes and energies and how they receive yours. Reckless behavior, mindless spending, or short-sighted thinking also become more likely. Venus retrograde is a time to guard your heart closely. Considering you wear yours on your sleeve, this will be a substantial task, stargazer.
A square between the waxing crescent Moon and Pluto signals the initial discomfort as you embark on this transformational journey. Entering uncharted territory is nerve-wracking, no matter which way you slice it. Give yourself space to feel the butterflies in your stomach without letting them deter you from your path. A subsequent sextile between your ruling celestial body and the Sun, Mars, and Saturn helps fortify your resolve and keep you motivated. No metamorphosis comes without a little bit of effort on your part.
Fortunately, the cosmos seems to point toward prosperity lying on the other side of these changes. By March 5, the waxing crescent Moon conjoins with Uranus and forms a trine with Pluto as it enters Gemini. Indeed, things are about to get topsy-turvy. But the positive energy surrounding these alignments suggest you’ll enjoy the change of view. The following day, the Moon conjoins with Jupiter, further emphasizing incoming prosperity and success. This is an especially fortuitous celestial period for you, Cancer. Make sure to enjoy this good cosmic juju while it’s in your court.
The waxing gibbous phase of your ruling celestial body ushers in a period of self-reflection and assessment of the progress you’ve made toward your goals. If you were to continue down your current path without any adjustments, do you think you could make it to the finish line? Now would be the time to change something if the answer is no. It might be tempting to try and stick something out to flatter your ego. But all you’re really doing is giving your future self more mental and emotional labor. A trine between the waxing gibbous and the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune locks into place as the Moon enters Leo. This busy cosmic alignment signals a positive shift in friendships and self-esteem.
Tensions increase slightly from March 8 to 11. The Moon begins this period in a square with Mercury and Venus and ends in the same alignment with Uranus. Your ruling celestial body also forms a direct opposition to Pluto during this time frame. Remember that not all beneficial change feels that way at first. Sometimes, we must acclimate ourselves to significant discomfort before we can reach a place of greater stability and inner peace. Interpersonal conflict and feelings of delayed progress will become more imminent. Power through these temporary feelings anyway, stargazer.
March 14 ushers in another potent celestial occurrence. On this day, the full Moon reaches its peak strength in Virgo while undergoing a lunar eclipse with the Earth and Sun. Lunar eclipses are significantly more powerful than the already dynamic full Moon. And as the only sign in the Zodiac governed by this celestial body, you are liable to feel its effects more strongly. These lunar events often move us toward a closing chapter in our lives, whether that looks like a relationship, professional endeavor, belief system, or otherwise. It’s a time to release the old and prepare yourself to receive the new.
Following along with these universal transitions is a never-ending, significant challenge we must face in this existential realm. The discipline to keep following through even when it’s difficult can often be scarce and hard to hold onto. This is especially true of this lunar phase as it forms a direct opposition to Saturn. There is a fine line between upholding necessary emotional obligations and becoming a martyr to soothe and appease others. The stars help illuminate this line, drawing a clearer distinction between helping others and hurting yourself. Saying goodbye to something or someone isn’t always a sign of failure. Often, it’s a sign of self-care.
The Sun’s transition into Aries marks the beginning of a new Zodiac cycle on March 20. This event serves as a contrast to the recent lunar eclipse’s air of finality. Your ruling celestial body forms a harmonious trine with Venus and Mercury this same day. The Moon’s waning gibbous phase signals a healthy release of financial, mental, or emotional habits that no longer serve you the way they once did. A corresponding opposition of the Moon to Jupiter on March 21 indicates this release has the potential to beget great prosperity.
March 28 will be another high-energy day as the waning crescent Moon conjoins with Saturn, Venus retrograde, and Neptune. Paired with the Moon’s trine with Mars, this cosmic alignment signals financial upswings, greater rewards for increased responsibility, and a reaffirmation of your dreams. The following day, the new Moon reaches its darkest, most reflective phase in Aries as it conjoins with Mercury and the Sun. This day also marks a partial solar eclipse, which helps kickstart the new chapter ushered in by the lunar eclipse earlier this month. A square between the Moon and transformative Pluto on the last day of March suggests this transition won’t be without struggle. But no good transformation ever is.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Gemini! See you next month.