Saturday, March 1, 2025

Aries, March 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope

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For fiery, bold, and assertive Aries, here’s what you might expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout March 2025.

Your cosmic monthly forecast begins with the introduction of the waxing crescent Moon in your celestial domain. While this lunar phase doesn’t necessarily spur action or aggressive energy on its own, it does implore us to plan and prepare. And what better time to start planning than the first of the month? Take some time (even a few spare moments will do) and evaluate what you’d like to accomplish this March. Getting from point A to point B is far easier when you know where each point actually is, stargazer.

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The next day, March 2, two notable planetary shifts occur. First, Venus turns retrograde, which can have negative consequences in matters of the heart or wallet. Reckless behavior and misunderstandings become more prevalent, causing us to act in ways or believe things we normally wouldn’t. Guarding your heart is critical during this time, Aries. Be wary of following through with knee-jerk reactions. Even a short pause for deeper reflection can go a long way to saving you from future heartache and strife.

Unfortunately, a square between your ruling planet, Mars, and the waxing crescent Moon will only exacerbate tension at this time. To be clear, a challenge is not the same as an impossibility. Nevertheless, convincing your ego of that differentiation is easier said than done in the heat of the moment. Try to remember that making a bigger mess somewhere else isn’t the way to clean up another. Hold fast to your support system if you feel weary, but don’t give up. Whether or not it feels like it right now, Venus retrograde (and its corresponding planetary and lunar alignments) has plenty to offer us in terms of wisdom, experience, confidence, and stability.

Tensions begin to ease as Mars and the waxing crescent Moon form a much more positive sextile around March 4. Indeed, few conflicts ever last forever. You have more of a say over how these external factors bother you than they do, Aries. Your mental and emotional energy are finite resources, and you deserve to guard them as such. Take care of yourself. 

A much-needed boost of celestial good fortune occurs on March 8 when the Sun forms an auspicious trine with the Sun. All that planning in the first week of the month will begin to pay off as these goals and aspirations come to fruition. Allow yourself to reap the rewards of your hard work without second-guessing whether they’re actually as good as they seem. This cosmic alignment is ripe with the possibility of prosperity. Mars provides the energy; the Sun illuminates your path forward; you do the rest.

Focus and discipline become all the more critical around March 14, when the full Moon enters Virgo and makes this year’s first lunar eclipse. These lunar events are far more potent than the average full Moon, signaling major turning points or endings. The two often go hand in hand. To begin one chapter, we must close the previous one. Considering this particular lunar eclipse takes place in Virgo, the final sign of the Zodiac, feelings of finality and closure will become even more present. Keep in mind that familiar isn’t always better. The uncharted territory that awaits you on the other side of this transition has the potential to be far greater than you ever imagined.

As if the cosmos hadn’t thrown enough curveballs your way in the first half of the month, Mercury goes retrograde on March 15. Yes, this pesky planetary period is back to disrupt travel plans, muddy communication, and dull mental clarity. While avoiding making major decisions is ideal during this time, this isn’t always practical in real life. So, do the next best thing, which is to take your time. Haste naturally leads to mistakes, but it’s virtually a guarantee amidst the chaotic energy of Mercury retrograde.

You can capitalize on Mercury retrograde’s mishaps and error codes around March 16 through the 18, when the waning gibbous Moon cycles from a square to trine aspect with your ruling planet. The waning gibbous Moon tends to conjure more conflict. But in doing so, it helps reveal ways out of these conundrums and cyclical behaviors. Troubleshooting is easier when the trouble is actively happening. Use it to your advantage, Aries. Your celestial season begins on March 20, increasing stability and confidence as the ego-driven Sun makes its way through your cosmic domain.

Prepare for the possibility of raw emotional states around March 26 when Mars forms a challenging square with Chiron. The latter dwarf planet directly influences our senses of vulnerability, how we process pain, and, most importantly, how we grow from these experiences. Wanting to fix a problem is a natural and understandable reaction. Nevertheless, not every problem is yours to fix. The stars urge you to grow more comfortable with discomfort. It never lasts as long as you think it will, and you’ll be stronger for it.

If this month’s lunar eclipse was the end of a specific chapter in your life, March 29 marks the beginning of the new one as a partial solar eclipse locks into place under your celestial domain. This solar event ushers in fresh starts, metamorphoses, and positive change. The stars certainly seem to be making this transition easier for you, too, with Mercury retrograde leaving your celestial domain just as imaginative Neptune enters. There are always a million reasons not to do something and even more potential pitfalls you could encounter. But a small shift in perspective will reveal that you can say the same of positive experiences and beneficial opportunities, Aries.

A challenging square between the almost new Moon and Pluto reminds us that just because change can be positive doesn’t make it any less arduous. Be kind to yourself during the last few days of the month. But don’t let that kindness come with a lack of discipline or fortitude. Pushing past adversity to obtain what’s best for you is an act of self-care, stargazer.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Aries! See you next month. 

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