Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Google must grant Android Auto interoperability despite no ‘indispensability’ | MLex | Specialist news and analysis on legal risk and regulation

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By Lewis Crofts ( February 25, 2025, 09:04 GMT | Insight) — Google’s restriction of its Android Auto platform to deny access to Enel’s EV-charging app could be an antitrust breach and it should do its best to offer interoperability, the EU Court of Justice has ruled. Google could justify its refusal by flagging risks to the “integrity or security” of the platform, but otherwise it needed to provide a “template” for interoperability “within a reasonable period.”Google’s restriction of its Android Auto platform to deny access to Enel’s EV-charging app could be an antitrust breach and it should do its best to offer interoperability, the EU Court of Justice has ruled….

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