FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – New technology to detect and combat fake ids is making its way through North Dakota. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, found that 40.1% of underage college students owned or had owned a fake ID.
“An id that shows up on the system as failed that’s most like a fake id in almost all the trials that we’ve had. If it shows up as failed it is most likely a fake id and the retailer has the ability to confiscate those ids and turn them into law enforcement within 24 hours,” said Prevention Administrator Tim Volk.
Forensic scanners were introduced to help mitigate risk for businesses that serve alcohol. They run at a cost of $5300.
“It’s a tool they can use to help reduce underage drinking and reduce their liability in determining whether these kids are able to consume alcohol,” said Volk.
The advancements in technology have made fake ids harder to detect.
“We’re just seeing very high quality fake ids and it’s really because the technology is getting there. We can see these ids are mimicking the micro printing, mimicking some of the design, and some of the fonts and things like that,” said Volk.
But what is sometimes forgotten are potential consequences of a fake id.
“We’re seeing a lot of consequences with the kids that are using these fake ids. So some consequences are over consumption it’s driving intoxicated it’s sexual assault it’s suicide. Alcohol is related to some of the consequences of these young kids,” said Volk.
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