Friday, October 18, 2024

A necessary step for Pasco’s future

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After years of financial mismanagement and controversy, the decision by the Pasco City Council to disband the beleaguered Downtown Pasco Development Authority reflects a commitment to accountability and transparency. It also provides an opportunity to set things right – and perhaps rebuild public trust.

The DPDA, established in 2010 to revitalize downtown Pasco, became mired in escalating problems. From staff turnover to an embezzlement scandal, the nonprofit let the community down.

That’s not to say the organization didn’t do important work over the years. It helped incubate new businesses at the Pasco Specialty Kitchen, and it provided the backbone for popular community events like Cinco de Mayo festival and the Pasco Farmers Market.

The recent state audit report, covering 2020-22, uncovered serious deficiencies in financial controls and oversight within the nonprofit. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments and purchases lacked proper documentation, and the organization struggled to adhere to basic protocols for public accountability. Such findings underscored the urgent need for reform and restructuring.

In the face of mounting evidence of systemic dysfunction, the Pasco City Council made the difficult but necessary choice to dissolve the DPDA. This decision reflects a commitment to upholding the public trust and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used responsibly and effectively.

Though the city council had limited oversight of the DPDA’s day-to-day operations, it should share in some of the blame for the group’s failure as it appointed the group’s board members.

The city’s decision to hire a forensic accounting firm to examine the DPDA’s finances demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing past wrongs and charting a path toward a more accountable future.

This also should include the city stepping up and taking bold action to serve as the catalyst for economic development and community revitalization in downtown Pasco. To this end, the city recently held a workshop to explore new possibilities for mobile food vendors, parklets, outdoor dining and community gathering spaces.

Pasco must remain steadfast in its commitment to transparency, integrity and good governance — and continue to be a champion for downtown Pasco’s vibrant community events and programs.

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