For sentimental, reliable, and creative Cancer: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of February.
All cosmic signs point to changes ahead in love, finances, your relationship with yourself, or a combination of all three. The waxing crescent Moon conjoins with Venus and forms an auspicious trine with Mars retrograde on February 1, starting the month off with plenty of positive energy. Your ruling celestial body’s combination with Venus indicates a need to start preparing for new emotional or financial investments. A waxing crescent phase doesn’t necessarily invite major shake-ups or grandiose gestures. But it does encourage a smaller, more intimate sense of planning and preparation. Take stock of your values and goals. Pay close attention to where you are now so that you may better appreciate upcoming changes.
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The waxing crescent Moon moves into Taurus at the same time Jupiter retrograde finally returns direct in Gemini next door. Jupiter’s forward shift swings expansive focus back outward. The stars have been urging you to do some serious inner work. Now, it’s time to start implementing your new belief systems and perspectives. Your internal and external environments need to work together symbiotically. Otherwise, you’re practically guaranteeing discontentment, unrest, and low satisfaction. The way forward might not be entirely clear, as suggested by a square between the Moon and Mercury. Keep pushing ahead anyway. The vast majority of people you see are faking it till they make it. You certainly don’t have to be the exception.
Your ruling celestial body reaches its waxing gibbous phase as it transitions into your native domain. The Moon tends to feel even more tangible here on Earth when in its ruling house. And on the same day it enters Cancer, February 8, the Moon also forms a challenging square with Venus. Under the influence of this somewhat arduous alignment, you might feel lacking in emotional or financial fulfillment. While none of us have complete control over these areas of our lives, there are some ways we can get closer to meeting our needs. Speak your mind. Share your thoughts. Don’t assume people around you know what you want and are willfully ignoring it. That’s putting far too much stock in other people’s perceptions of you.
On February 12, the Moon reaches its brightest phase in Leo. As the full Moon sharpens intuition and emotional clarity, it forms a direct opposition to Mercury in Aquarius, indicating that turning these feelings into words and actions will be easier said than done. Prepare for conflict during this time. Under the powerful influence of the Moon, it can become all too easy to succumb to your sentiments. All of your feelings are valid, stargazer. That much is true. But all of your actions are not. You must maintain the same level of accountability you demand of others. Iron sharpens iron, and this is no exception. Use the Moon’s revealing glow to highlight pitfalls in your communication and educational style. Do you jump to conclusions before getting all of the facts? Are you asking the right questions?
These kinds of reflections can be difficult to face. Fortunately, the cosmos seems to be setting up a significant reward for all your trouble. The week after Leo’s full Moon, your ruling celestial body forms a far more positive aspect with Mercury as it enters Scorpio around February 18. The trine between Mercury and the waning gibbous Moon signals emotional acceptance and resolution. Closure doesn’t always mean getting what you want, stargazer. Sometimes, closure is the humble pleasure of being able to shake certain burdens off your shoulders.
The quicker you learn how valuable that modest success can be, the happier you will become. The Moon’s placement in Scorpio reinforces this idea, offering a gentle reminder that true power isn’t learning to suppress and ignore your emotions. True power comes from your ability to experience these feelings in full without letting them totally control you. Ignorance is just an easy cop-out.
Whims to entertain loftier aspirations become stronger around February 20 when the last-quarter Moon transitions into Sagittarius. A tense square with Mercury coinciding with a harmonious trine with Venus indicates a shift toward emotional satisfaction over intellectual growth. These decisions have their place, but it’s up to you whether the sacrifice of one is worth the rewards of another. No one can weigh that balance for you. Capricorn offers a much-needed boost of analytical skepticism as your ruling celestial body crosses into this celestial domain on February 22.
From this angle, the mortal pleasures offered by Venus might not seem quite as tempting. While this might be jarring at first, coming to this realization isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Wouldn’t you rather know sooner than later, Cancer? Accept these cosmic revelations as they come. Don’t hold on to any one idea too tightly, and it will become easier to ride the waves as they rise and fall. For every unexpected downside, there are just as many hidden silver linings also waiting to reveal themselves to you. Mars retrograde’s return to direct on February 24 emboldens the spirit. Have faith in your ability to navigate even the situations you’re not readily comfortable in. You can’t prepare for everything. You just have to trust yourself.
The new Moon in Pisces at the end of the month will be a particularly powerful one as multiple lunar alignments lock into place. A conjunction with disciplinarian Saturn points to hunkering down and toughing out the more exhausting parts of this journey. Personal growth is a never-ending pursuit. If you’re resting on your haunches, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, sure. But don’t let all that ripe fruit sit and rot because you’re too busy taking in the view. This might not be your typical way of doing things, but with the new Moon forming a favorable sextile with innovative Uranus, the cosmos seems to suggest that normal is out. Curiosity, exploration, and experimentation are all in.
Your ruling celestial body ends the month in a square with Jupiter, signaling a streak of misfortune or lack of progress. Remember what the cosmic lessons around February 24 were trying to teach you. Darkness eventually gives way to light. What comes up must come down. The universe operates in a balance, and so should you, stargazer.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Cancer! See you next month.