Friday, March 7, 2025

Here’s Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope

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You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread, to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


The week begins with a Full Moon in Cancer, the first one of the year, and an emotional one at that! Express your feelings, use your intuition, and nurture yourself. You need to bring your best emotional intel game to the table this week, because on top of these heightened lunar sensitivities, we encounter the stirring Five of Wands.

People might get on your nerves. Squabbles and disagreements may emerge. Don’t fuel the fires. You can’t control or influence most of these problems, so just let them go. But, there will be a root cause that you CAN tackle, and should. Be alert, find the root of your issues, and ask if you can make a change.

nine of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Dream a dream, Aries! Pick a fantasy and make it a reality this week, small or big, fanciful or practical, whimsical or materialistic. Life is for living and sometimes that means indulgence, pleasure, and the pursuit of happiness. The Nine of Cups is an invitation to breathe life into one of your heartfelt visions. Be it career, financial, or romance-focused. Be it in scope or out of sight. Just take a step towards it and see what wonderful opportunities emerge to get you even closer.

the chariot tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Going somewhere, Taurus? The Chariot is a powerful card of both purpose and movement. It can indicate we’re setting a new goal, and literally charting a destination that we’re planning to make our way toward. It can also indicate activity around vehicles, journeys, commutes, vacations, home moves, or location changes. “Place” is important. We grow to fill our space, we live in its atmosphere, and it becomes a part of us. Are you happy where you’re at? If not, then this is the time to rethink.

eight of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Don’t even consider quitting, Gemini, because a major breakthrough lies just around the corner for you. All of this effort and hard work is going to pay off, even though I know it might not feel that way right now. You are tired and a little fed up. You have put so much in and not reaped the rewards you expected. Hold on and press ahead. In a few steps’ time, you will come across a very lucky break and a real accelerant in this endeavor. It’s not over.

seven of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Release is not a concept you’re overly fond of. Cancerians tend to cling, hoard, and store things. If you have loved something or someone, it’s rare for you to ever truly lose that connection altogether. However, life brings nothing but change. And you have to move with it. The Seven of Pentacles is slowly but surely peeling your fingertips from the rock, so you can push off and swim back into the big, wide ocean. People say there’s more fish in the sea. It’s true. Don’t hold on to what you have, honestly, already lost. Let go and start afresh.

four of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


I think of Four of Wands as a very Leo card! It’s about achieving, moving on up, and smashing through your targets to reach the next level of the game! Life’s a competition, right? You are a fierce competitor, and you’re ready to break records this week! If you’re already on course for a promotion or raise, then consider it accelerated because the stars are aligned for you this week. If you’re vaguely ambitious but haven’t got a clear plan, then use this week to make one!

king of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Everything will feel kinda groovy this week, Virgo. Everyone is happy and warm towards you. All interactions turn out great. All discussions end well. All negotiations pan out nicely. You feel like you’ve got your finger on the pulse of how folks are feeling right now and you seem to know just the right thing to say. You are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, after all. You’re good with words, and you should lean into that this week by scheduling as many important conversations as possible. They will go well.

strength tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


You’re going through something, and I want you to know that it’s all going to be okay. You will get past this issue, and it will turn out to have been for the best. We learn most from hardship. Difficult roads lead to beautiful places. Wisdom doesn’t grow in lush meadows but in scary forests. So persevere. Strength shows that you’re almost through it, and then you can reap the rewards of your resilience, confidence, wisdom, and emotional intelligence.

queen of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Some folk think of Scorpios as very serious people, and I get that. You can be intense. However, your more curious and adventurous side is out to play this week thanks to the busy and bright Queen of Wands. You want more adventure in 2025! You want to explore, have more fun, and do different things in new places with fresh faces. Why not? You only get one life, so live large. Make a bucket list, research the options, and schedule one event per month or season. You have lots to look forward to.

nine of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


Whatever you’re holding back from tackling because of fear, please just go after it. Don’t overthink this. Action ALWAYS feels better than dread, and the Nine of Wands shows that the Universe is backing you up this week. You will make more headway (a lot easier and faster than you think) in the next week than you have in the last two months. The time is right, the stars have aligned, and the unseen forces are on your wavelength. Tackle stuff.

the sun tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite


It always makes me smile to see The Sun because it’s a true blessing. It’s the tarot’s most positive card, and it brings optimism, joy, and prosperity wherever it lands. Cap, it’s your turn to smile in the sunshine this week. Expect good fortune, lucky breaks, happy happenings, new opportunities, and friendly faces everywhere you turn. And maybe new love, career, or travel invitations that feel like a dream come true. A lot can change in seven days, right? You’re about to find out. Have a great week!

eight of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


This is a week with two halves for you. The first half is the worst one because it requires you to swallow a bitter pill, accept disappointment, and admit defeat. I know that sucks, but reality is reality. This ‘thing’ hasn’t worked out, so let it go, and stop wasting your time.
Ok, done? Good, because the second half of the week vastly improves. Whatever was lost or released will be replaced by something a lot better! The Universe wanted this ‘thing’ out of the way before bringing you a new toy. Now you get the reward.

ace of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite


An exciting investment opportunity emerges in your realm this week. It could be related to home, work, money, or all three. It’s nothing short-term. This is the real deal and it will also take up to a year to come to fruition, so don’t expect any quick returns. Maybe you’re offered the chance to join a promotion pipeline, or maybe you’re ready to put down a house deposit. Maybe a windfall arises (lucky you) and you get to invest it in something worthwhile. Enjoy planting what will become a fruitful seed.

Headshot of Kerry Ward

Kerry Ward has been reading, teaching and creating tarot decks, books, and content for over 25 years, and is a horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan US.  You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure. She is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and Cardless Tarot. She also created the Good Karma, Crystal Magic, and Taroscopes tarot decks. She likes to self-publish unique journals in her spare time, such as The Guided Magic Manifesting Journal and the latest Haunted House Journal. She is a Gemini, so writing is her favourite thing!
Follow her on Instagram h for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.

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