Influencers on TikTok have a reputation for encouraging their followers to shop. But some are entering the new year preaching the opposite: No Buy 2025. I know I know! Im just as shocked as you are! As a shopping addiction girly, you can imagine my disappointment when I found out this is the direction we wanted to take our pockets in this year. I mean what could possibly be the reason for the madness? I mean how can you just live a life where you *gulp* window shop… Apparently it’s not as bad as it seems so let’s uncover this together!
This trend on social media is mostly populated by women content creators and feels like a cousin to the underconsumption core content that took off last year.
Influencer, Kay, known as @adventuringwithkayla on TikTok, said in a video that she saved $10,000 through a no-buy year in 2024. She claimed she skipped buying new clothes, accessories, and home decor but allowed occasional thrifting. She put a stop to getting coffees out but permitted concerts if they cost no more than $100 a ticket.
Those who have committed to it are serious about their intentions. They write down rules for their no-buy year, deciding which purchases they can live without. Some people choose to forgo any new clothes and avoid buying new skin care or makeup until they are all out of what they have; others mix and match. They also write down which purchases are permitted things like groceries, toiletries, health care items, and rent or mortgages are not optional.
Now that we shopoholics can catch our breath, would you try this savings hack? I don’t think I could give up clothes but skincare and makeup seem like an easy ask; because my bathroom can truly not handle another ‘limited edition hello kitty facial moisturizing set’ but my closet on the other hand…