Once more we pose that question to Bowie third graders, who share their very colorful, helpful, unique and always hilarious recipes and procedures to create the best bird for the family dinner.
Enjoy their recipe suggestions as you sit down with family and friends this week for Thanksgiving. Hopefully it will bring a smile. Special thanks to Stephanie Crabtree, Karina Carter and Bailey Bolton for allowing their students to take part in this longtime Bowie News tradition. We tried to use as many as space allowed, thanks to all the kids.
Here are just a few:
Do you like turkey? I’m am going to teach you how to cook it. First,you go get your ingredients by going to buy a turkey from Walmart. Get your pan out and put the non-stick spray on the pan. Put the turkey on top of the pan.
Next, you put your turkey on the grill at 290 degrees for 30 minutes. While the turkey cooks, get your side food together. Next, set up your table. Then you put all of your food on the table. Sit down and enjoy your meal. Wasn’t that yummy?
I’m going to tell you how to cook a turkey for thanksgiving and I will help you do the steps by you can go to bacon and. Frist buy a turkey.
Next take the turkey ripe off of the turkey put under the water crab the sensing. and but the oven on 250 to for place it in the and i will have eggs and green beans and cornbread and rice the table cloth, flowers and candles. Now you have to make a turkey on thanksgivig.
See your mid-week Bowie News to see lots of great kid’s recipe ideas.