Monday, October 21, 2024

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 21, 2024

Must read

Kate Winslet, a Libra.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

The moon spends most of today in sociable Gemini before moving into thoughtful Cancer in the evening. Also in the evening, Mercury and Saturn — in Scorpio and Pisces, respectively — work together to boost your focus, determination, and good judgment. Don’t shy away from difficult tasks, delicate conversations, or intimidating people: You have what it takes, as long as you don’t back down.

You tend to form impressions about people quickly, and most of the time, you turn out to be right. Today, though, assume that there’s more to others than first meets the eye. Sometimes, you meet someone on a bad day; other times, you’re only seeing one facet of their personality. So withhold judgment for now. Give people some time to show you who they really are. The more time you give yourself to think and observe, right now, the stronger your conclusions will be.

It can sometimes feel like you’re the only person in history who has ever felt the way you do, experienced what you have, struggled this much. But of course, that isn’t true — just because nobody has lived exactly the same life as you doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone who’s been through similar strife. Today, the best thing you can do is ask for advice from someone who’s been there before. Maybe they can offer help, but even if all they can do is remind you that you’re not alone, that might be enough.

You understand that most problems in life can be solved through various means, and that there’s more than one way to live a good life. What you struggle with, sometimes, is the fact that it’s impossible to try everything. Lots of different strategies could work, but you can’t use all of them: You’ve got to pick one and commit. Today, it’s easy to bounce back and forth between ideas, but the only way to move forward — at least for now — is to settle on one and give it your all.

You tend not to make a big show of your stubbornness, which means that other people can miss it if they’re not paying attention. They see your thoughtfulness and assume it means you won’t stand up for yourself. If anyone’s been taking advantage of your good nature, this is a good day to show them who you really are. You’re tough and tenacious, and you’ll fight for yourself (and the people you love) when you have to.

You’re a force to be reckoned with — once you set your mind to something, you’re not quick to be distracted or dissuaded. The life you want won’t just fall into your lap; you understand that it’s up to you to work for it. Sometimes, though, you get so single-minded that you forget the why. Today, check in with yourself. Make sure you still want the things you’re chasing, and that your plans still align with your deeper values. It isn’t too late to change course.

Some people act like authorities on every subject under the sun, regardless of how much they actually know about it. You, on the other hand, aren’t likely to assert yourself unless you genuinely know what you’re talking about — and so when you share your ideas, people would be smart to listen. That doesn’t mean they always do, but today, you might notice that friends and colleagues are asking questions, turning to you for advice, deferring to your judgment. Don’t hesitate to speak up: Others are finally recognizing how much you have to contribute.

It’s easy today to worry that you don’t have enough. You might not know what “enough” even means to you, only that whatever you’re longing for — adventure, success, financial security — there’s always somebody who has more of it. So try setting a tangible goal for yourself. Remember that you don’t need everything — and that even the people who seem to have it probably aren’t satisfied. If you work toward something specific, you can appreciate it more once you get it.

It’s easy enough to communicate directly when you’re certain about how you feel and where you stand. It gets much more challenging when you’re conflicted: If you don’t even know what you want, how can you be upfront with anyone else? But if you wait until you’re 100 percent sure of yourself before you open up to someone else, it may never happen at all. If, on the other hand, you’re honest with others about your doubts and setbacks, too, they may provide the comfort and support you needed all along.

You don’t tend to dwell on the past — as far as you’re concerned, what’s done is done, and there’s no point wishing things had gone differently. But there’s a fine line between refusing to be stuck in the past and refusing to reckon with it at all. Today, old memories and unfinished business might pull at your attention. Don’t ignore them — the only way you’ll truly be able to move forward is if you take the time to process all that came before.

Today, remember that the best way of doing things isn’t always the most efficient; the best way to spend your days isn’t always the most productive. Collaborating with other people, especially, can seem maddeningly slow — it takes so much time to discuss everyone’s ideas, to hash out a plan, to smooth over the conflicts that inevitably arise. But none of that energy is wasted, and even if it takes longer to get to your destination, the journey will be a more rewarding one.

Sometimes it feels like nobody really pays attention to what you say. Even if they’re listening, you suspect that they’re not really understanding, not taking you seriously. Today, though, don’t be surprised if the people around you suddenly sit up and take notice. Annoying as it is that they haven’t paid more attention in the past, the best thing you can do now is let that go. If somebody shows up ready to learn from you, make the most of it.

Lately, it’s been easy for you to blow small conflicts way out of proportion — or, conversely, to tell yourself that your very real problems are unworthy of anyone’s time or attention. So today, it’s time to reset your sense of perspective. You can let go of the things that don’t really matter to you and fight for the ones that do. You can remember that everyone has their own needs and desires, and yours are no more — and no less — important than anybody else’s.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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