Sunday, October 20, 2024

Weekly horoscope from October 20 to October 26: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

It’s time to take a reality check and be honest with yourself. If obstacles are confronting you, it’s because you may be moving in the wrong direction. Pause, take stock and try a fresh approach. Reflect on your own mistakes, the more accountable you are, the better things become. Even in your personal life, it may be time to let go of longstanding grudges and grievances. Leave the past behind and if you want, make a fresh start with someone, or just forgive and move on. Money matters show income from far off places. Self employed Ariens may connect with a lot of international clients. Health matters look stable. Just de-stress often.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Are you the teacher or the student or both? The card of learning and teaching comes your way. Reminding you that everyone you encounter comes to you for a reason. To either teach you something, or to learn from your experience. Open your mind, this is a phase of great learning and growth. Long term plans of relocation may be finalized. And if planning to start your own firm, the formalities could begin soon. In matters of the heart, marriage bonds grow stronger as the two of you plan your future. A social event could be an opportunity to reconnect with old faces or even network for business. Money matters need a steady hand especially if you’ve been overspending lately. Watch out for bouts of insomnia.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Something catches your fancy. You find yourself pleasantly distracted by a new hobby, person or even technology. There’s an easy going air around you and people will be drawn towards your harmonious vibe. Singles may even find themselves attracted to someone at the workplace. Businesses launched in this phase have the potential to grow, provided you don’t allow yourself to lose focus. New friendships and connections prove valuable and fulfilling. You may find yourself reconnecting with your creative side and indulge in some designing, art or any form of creative expression as well. The only down side is your tendency to get bored quickly. If you can sustain the enthusiasm, all goes well in the long run. Health matters look good. Stop yourself from spending too much on things you don’t really need.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Sometimes it gets difficult to see the whole picture. You could find yourself submerged with responsibilities. Work may pile up. Or you could end up doing the job of 3 people. Before you get too overwhelmed or stressed, take a short break and learn to consciously relax. Even in matters of the heart a critical or judgmental family member or friend could lead to moments of doubt. Time to detach a little, gather your own energies and then talk it out with them if you want to. Avoiding conflict may not be the solution. Think before you splurge on something you don’t really need. Health matters look good, but do recharge yourself if the bouts of exhaustion get too frequent.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

A period of expansion and exploration begins. You are eager to try out new things. Change industries. Experiment with new strategies and technology. And nobody is going to stop you either. You’re in the mood to network and travel and don’t be surprised if you make some new contacts along the way. Your heart may not feel like sitting at home either. You will be out and about, socialising and connecting with old and new faces. Singles may be attracted to someone who is not usually your type. And plans may be finalised for a family holiday soon. Money matters look good, you’re in the mood to spend on others and on yourself. Health matters show swift recovery.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Restrain yourself from saying or doing something you may later regret. Instead of reacting aggressively to someone who’s being fake or dishonest, just distance yourself and calmly say what you need to. Listen to what is not being said. Even at home, watch out for sudden explosions or recklessness. A little time out to meditate and reflect will help you look at things more objectively. Health matters require a little extra care. Financially, a little research and guidance from a professional will help you take some calculated risks, that could pay off in the long run.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Your optimism, confidence and energy levels will inspire many. A lot can get accomplished in this period and your best approach is to be as self reliant as possible. Expecting too much from others may only lead to disappointments and delays. Your leadership skills will take you to the next level in the coming months at the workplace, and if self employed, expect to make some major decisions for the company. In terms of friendships, you may choose to do your own thing for a while. A clingy friend or family member may begin to feel suffocating. Relationships that are open and where you feel free to be yourself have the potential to grow. Money matters show long term success, health looks good.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Reclaim your power. Take back control. Don’t listen to the voices of doubt, but dig deeper and start believing in yourself even more. There may be opposition at the workplace. Or an enemy reveals him or herself. Use logic and facts to win your case. Even at home, a dominating family member may not listen to reason. Or insist on having their way all the time. Keeping quiet won’t help anyone and it may be time to stand up for yourself and tell them what needs to be heard. Stress may take a toll on your health so make sure you do something about it as a habit. Money matters show sudden delays, but with patience the issue should get sorted.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

The Universe hears your prayers and brings things in alignment. Doors start opening. Good news comes trickling in. And you begin to slowly feel better about your life and your future than ever before. Energies are high at work and you can accomplish a lot in this period. Just be careful about other peoples’ feelings, in your quest to get to the top, you don’t want to trample on so many toes. Even your personal life perks up again. Invitations, social gatherings, meet ups with loved ones brings joy and laughter your way. Just be mindful about how much you’re eating and drinking though, you don’t want to take any chances with your health. Money matters show gains, profits and rewards over the following weeks.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

If you’re feeling dissatisfied, reflect on what you truly value and take the necessary steps to change things. Complaining isn’t getting you anywhere, and if the office continues to get you down, it may be time to think of changing jobs. Bring things back into balance especially when it comes to money and spending. Start saving for a rainy day if you haven’t already. Relationships go smoothly and you may discover someone is overly materialistic or only interested in money over friendship. Children may act rebellious or demand independence. A little discipline goes a long way when it comes to diet and exercise.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Hope returns slowly but surely. A difficult phase comes to an end. Money worries lessen. And progress is seen at work. If you’ve been in the habit of overgiving you may decide to set a few boundaries with a few people. Businesses that were struggling gradually improve. Aquarians in Law and Finance may have to contend with some dubious people so don’t trust too easily or quickly. If ailing, you will be able to find a treatment that can lead to recovery. As you start to feel a little better about yourself and your situation, you can make steady progress in rekindling your relationship, or opening yourself up to new people.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Your energies may be scattered. Are you doing too many things half heartedly, or not finding the time to give each task your full attention? Slow down, recalibrate and focus on the priorities for now. If you’re unable to cope, ask for help or delegate some of your responsibilities. Stress levels may fluctuate so do put your self-care and personal well-being first before you burn yourself out. In the home front consider decluttering, clearing out old clothes and selling old furniture, to simplify your life. You will benefit from better organisation and prioritisation. Money matters seem to be in order and you may be planning your next big purchase in the coming weeks. Health matters look good.

Published By:

Ayush Bisht

Published On:

Oct 20, 2024

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