Thursday, October 24, 2024

Your horoscope for Oct 18-24

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Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post’s famously accurate fortune teller. Let’s see how you will fare this week and beyond.


  • (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
  • Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
  • You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Be ready for unexpected and challenging assignments. Someone may fail to keep their promise. You may have to deal with a heavier workload and higher pressure. If you hold a high position, someone may do their worst to discredit you because they are gunning for your job.

(₿) Your income may be slightly lower than usual. The payment you’re expecting may get postponed. Stay thrifty as you may need to have something repaired. Before signing any contracts, have someone knowledgeable comb through them to avoid any legal predicament later.  

(♥) Mismatched expectations, jealousy and distrust rattle your relationship. Think twice before you say something to your partner while you’re angry with them. You two may agree to postpone wedding plans. 

(⚤) You may meet someone who’s your type in the flesh. However, they seem to be disinterested. Dating app users, beware of romance scammers and catfish. 

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) If you’re preoccupied with something, you may experience a eureka moment. You’re quicker at reading situations and people. You communicate well with anyone in your office. You meet all deadlines whether they’re for solo or group tasks. Your supervisor may trust you with confidential info. 

(₿) You may secure a loan or financial support. An opportunity to make extra cash may present itself. You manage your income and spending well. An unexpected gift or treat from a good friend is on the cards.

(♥) Your relationship is getting lukewarm. You two may hit a few bumps. You two may not get along as well as usual but still care for each other deeply.  

(⚤) You may feel like you’re ready to be in a relationship but that won’t stop potential admirers. If you’re casually dating someone, they may ask if you want to be their official love. 

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) An opportunity to share ideas and form new connections awaits. You’re skilled at analysing data to make the best decision in any given situation. Those whom you suspect to be troublemakers prove you right. Your supervisor may assign you to a secret project. 

(₿) You can pay your bills with ease. You may splurge a little on an activity you enjoy. The more money you spend, the more money-making opportunities seem to come your way. If you have debts, you may pay off at least one.

(♥) Couples who run a business together rake in profits. They spend quality time together to strengthen their bond. They may set a new goal that they wish to tackle together. They run their relationship like a well-run business. 

(⚤) You may experience an instant connection with someone upon first meeting. They happen to be physically your type, too. If you’re kinda seeing someone, you two may decide to go Facebook official.   

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) You know how to work smart and communicate well with anyone in your office. A project that you’re working on progresses smoothly and you may be ahead of schedule. Those who have never been a leader may be asked to do so. Don’t get cold feet. 

(₿) You manage cash and other assets well. An unexpected gift or financial gain is on the cards. If you’re embroiled in a conflict over assets, you’ll get what is rightfully yours. Justice will prevail. 

(♥) Couples bicker and banter in moderation. They try to see things more from each other’s perspectives. If you’re two-timing, you may get caught in the act. You may end up with no one if you’re selfish enough to try to keep both of them. 

(⚤) You may meet someone who’s physically your type but soon realise that they have many admirers, including those with better profiles than you. 

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) Unexpected assignments with tight deadlines result in longer working hours. However, you know how to manage your energy and priorities better. A satisfying reward awaits if you reach the goal. Be careful when you communicate with colleagues. You think you’re on a first-time basis with them but they don’t feel the same.

(₿) You may receive valuable insider information or a sentimental gift. If you’re waiting for a refund or overdue payment, it’ll arrive as expected. You may overspend on entertainment to cope with higher stress. 

(♥) Mismatched expectations, jealousy and distrust rattle your relationship. The latter especially causes you two to have verbal sparrings more often. A poor choice of words can hurt your partner deeply. 

(⚤) You may be so busy with work and/or study that finding love takes a back seat. Your situationship may reach a dead end because you don’t see yourself with them in the long run.    

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) An opportunity to expand your connections and share ideas awaits. Your main job and side hustle eat up most of your waking hours. However, you feel fortunate that your hard work is reflected in your paycheque. You meet all deadlines.

(₿) All of your undertakings yield financial rewards. Your creative idea may become your new business. If you win a lottery, don’t let on. Or else, someone you’re familiar with but not close to may ask for a handout.

(♥) Minor conflicts may rock your relationship but you two still care for each other deeply. An influencer may inspire a day trip that you two enjoy this weekend. You two may adopt a new pet.

(⚤) If you’re seeing someone but keeping quiet about it, you may decide to go Facebook official after realising that they’re the real deal. Dating app users may meet their match on the same day they meet online.

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) Your supervisor may entrust you with a big project, hinting at the possibility of a promotion. You may be granted the power to make decisions on your own. Envious colleagues may come out of the woodwork to gossip about you.

(₿) Your income may be higher than usual but you spend the same amount. If you have debts, you may be able to pay them off sooner. You may find a precious item you lost a long time ago while cleaning your house.

(♥) Someone close to you may doubt that you two would go the distance. This inspires you to prove them wrong. Only you two know you have.

(⚤) If you’re competing for someone’s heart, you’re likely to win this love race. If you have a situationship, it may turn into a relationship. You may meet someone interesting through work or hobby.

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) Your hard work will be recognised and rewarded. Colleagues respect you for your outstanding performance. Everyone in your team gets along well. Those in between jobs may soon be employed.

(₿) An opportunity to earn extra income from a job that you can’t take credit for is on the cards. The payment you’re waiting for will arrive as expected. You become more mindful of your shopping.

(♥) Couples enjoy romantic moments, which lead to deeper understanding and acceptance for each other. They can drop all pretences and just be themselves when they’re around each other.

(⚤) The first date with someone you really like is on the cards. Someone from a different culture or socio-economic background may find you interesting and attractive.

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) Be ready for a heavier workload and more responsibilities. Your supervisor and client think highly of you and insist that you take on challenging tasks. You may have to assume a leadership role to guide your team through a difficult time.

(₿) Your negotiation for better pay should go your way. You may secure a financial support or loan. Those with high-risk investments in their portfolios reap handsome rewards. Whether you’re selling your assets or someone else’s, you may close a deal sooner than expected.

(♥) Couples have more responsibilities in life but they are there for each other whenever one of them is feeling down. Unmarried couples may bring up their plan to wed before their parents to see how they would react.

(⚤) Your parent’s good friend or older cousin may introduce you to someone they think you gonna like but unfortunately, they don’t know your type at all. You like to go out with someone from a different background.

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) You may be asked to take on tasks that are outside your purview. You may surprise yourself with how adaptable you can be to different situations and crowds. You many gain new skills or insight into your industry.

(₿) You may receive valuable insider information or a sentimental gift from someone close to you. An opportunity to secure a new income source is on the cards. You’re getting better at spending within your budget.

(♥) Minor conflicts may happen between couples but they soon would reconcile. Your honeymoon or wedding will happen without a hitch. Unmarried couples may be pressured to tie the knot.

(⚤) You may experience love at first sight/swipe with someone who shares similar lifestyles, interests and values. They could be the real deal.

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) Your past achievements lead to you assuming more challenging roles. Your work may need to pay more attention to details. You’re a quick learner and adapt to any curveballs being thrown at you. You have productive communication and collaborate well with your colleagues.

(₿) A financial negotiation should end in a win-win situation. Investors who trust their intuition may be rewarded handsomely. You can easily pay your bills and may treat yourself to something that has been on your wish list for a long time. 

(♥) Prosperity awaits couples who run a business together. They may enjoy romantic moments that result in a deeper understanding of one another. You two may come up with a new life goal or plan your future together. 

(⚤) You sense a romantic spark between you and someone in your professional circle. However, you try to keep quiet about it to avoid any gossip. Your ex may try to reconnect with you but your unpleasant experience with them is still fresh in your mind. 

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) You can solve problems quickly. There’s no drama or conflicts that you would be directly involved in. You may be hailed as the rising star. You may have to travel abroad for business purposes. If a job interview is coming up, you may do so well that they offer you the position on the spot.

(₿) You maintain several income sources. An opportunity to do behind-the-scenes work for good pay may come to you through your connections. Investors may reap higher-than-expected returns. 

(♥) Couples treat each other the same way whether they’re online, at home or in public. They continue to be each other’s sources of support, comfort and inspiration. They may make new memories this weekend. 

(⚤) Dating app users, someone may be eager to see you after meeting you online. Your ex or someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect to ask or a second chance.

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