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5 Zodiac Signs With Powerful Horoscopes On August 12, 2024

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Set your sights on what you want, and then go for it! That’s the theme on Monday, August 12, 2024. Five zodiac signs stand to have the best, most powerful horoscopes today if they choose to lean into this message.

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini’s relationship with the Moon in Scorpio is important. They remind us that good things in life are a blessing that must be preserved and cherished.  Don’t allow negative peer pressure or societal definitions to convince you otherwise. You may reject the most beautiful parts of your life that way. The Moon’s relationship with Saturn Retrograde in Pisces is also beneficial. 

If you believe you cannot be ten things at once, you cannot be ten things at once. Yet, some actors and theater specialists do this almost effortlessly daily (at least the efforts seem effortless). So don’t be your own obstacle. Have courage and confidence. You can do more than you think you can.

The five zodiac signs with powerful horoscopes on August 12, 2024.

1. Virgo

warmjuly | Canva Pro

Virgo’s best time of the day: 10 – 11 am

Best zodiac sign for Virgo to hang out with: Aries

Virgo, Monday’s energy is patient and watchful. If you lay all your metaphorical bricks in order before you pack them into the kiln, you will succeed. So don’t be hasty! Your blessings will manifest exactly when they need to. Try to prioritize your friendships today. Good friends are a true boon but should never be taken for granted. Like trees, they will beautify your life and bring peace to it as long you nurture them well.

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2. Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 12, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro

Scorpio’s best time of the day: 6 – 7 am

Best zodiac sign for Scorpio to hang out with: Leo

Scorpio, Monday’s energy is soft and restful. Start your day slow and gradually pick up the pace. That’s how you will align yourself with the positive flow of the cosmos today. Don’t be surprised if it feels like an unfolding story with a powerful surprise near the end of the day. Try to prioritize love on Monday. Whether romantic or platonic, love is love. It should lift your soul and bring you peace and growth. Anything else is not true love.

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3. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 12, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro

Capricorn’s best time of the day: 7 am

Best zodiac sign for Capricorn to hang out with: Virgo

Capricorn, what do you want your day to be like on Monday? Make your choice now and set that intention firmly. The universe will bring it to life for you. Just make sure you are focused on the right things so you can benefit from this gift in the best way possible. You are also encouraged to think about your heritage today. Roots are important as they determine one’s growth. If your family has heirloom items in your safekeeping, be sure to respect and honor that heritage, too.

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4. Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 12, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro

Aquarius best time of the day: 2 pm

Best zodiac sign for Aquarius to hang out with: Cancer

Aquarius, an old phase, is coming to an end, and a new one will begin soon. So, make the most of the transition period you are in. You can discover immense strength here that will help you reach higher levels in the future. That’s your cosmic gift. You are also encouraged to build the future you wish to see. Sometimes, it’s not enough to rely on people with power to take care of the community and the Earth. Sometimes, it’s necessary to break free from conditioned beliefs and realize that you, too, can be the change-bringer if you wish to be one.

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5. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 12, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro

Leo’s best time of the day: 12 pm

Best zodiac sign for Leo to hang out with: Aries

Leo, sometimes blessings can feel more like challenges, especially if they try to reveal something you don’t wish to acknowledge. Yet, such blessings always bring one hundred percent good to your life and remove the toxicity keeping you small — whether it was an addiction, a connection with an energy vampire, or something else. On Monday, this will be your reality. You are also encouraged to lean into what naturally resonates with you. That will help you retain your core self while changing what is not good for you.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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